AppFinder Application

App Requests App Requests



App Requests

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Name Description Keyword Cost
**** APP REQUEST – SETTINGS **** ****
Missed Trades Report NOT AN APP REQUEST. The missed trades report is now added to all accounts, missing trades report sees taken in appraisals at other dealerships. *
Auto Finalize Appraisals NOT AN APP REQUEST auto finalize appraisals. *
Update Existing NOT AN APP REQUEST Turn on or off the Update Existing checkbox to overwrite photo imports.
Push Appraisal Photos to Inventory NOT AN APP REQUEST Have the appraisal photos push into inventory with the vehicle.
Inventory$ShowSalespersonOnSold Allows the user to pick a Salesperson when marking a vehicle as sold. sold Free
Inventory$Merchandising.MinImageCount Change minimum photo count for merchandising. minima Free
Appraisal$TransportationFee Add Transportation Fee Field in appraisal. fee Free
Appraisal$AuctionFee Add Auction Fee Field in appraisal. fee Free
Appraisal$AppraisalActionLabels Rename the appraisal Save/Finalize button. Can only use (Save, Incomplete, Pending, Hold, Unseen). action Free
Appraisal$OptionalToNormalFields Show/Hide an input field. Change a field from Required to Option. Appraisal box to always open, but not required for an Appraisal.
(To find field name: right-click in field > Inspect > find the HTML Id=”field name is here”)
option Free
Application$HQAppraisalReviewRequired This is the setting to enable HQ Appraisal process as required for Entities. review Free
Appraisal$RequiredFields Show/Hide an input field and also Make it required for an Appraisal.
(To find field name: right-click in field > Inspect > find the HTML Id=”field name is here”).
required Free
Radar$RadarDistances Add incremental mileage on gauge page and rbook. (Default 10,20,30,40,50,75,100,150,250,500,10000) radard Free
Radar$AutoRankingDistanceTargetCars The target number of cars for ranking a vehicle when auto distance is selected. distancetarget Free
Radar$AutoRankingDistanceMax Maximum distance for ranking a vehicle when auto distance is selected. distancemax Free
Syndication$UseCompareToPrice Turn on Other Price. The second price field. The higher price. compare Free
Radar$OtherPriceLabel Rename Other Price field. The second price field. The higher price. other Free
vehicle$defaultretailwholesale Configures the import disposition from appraisal. Push/add new appraisal to retail, wholesale, special finance (uncommon). defaultretail Free
Syndication$PublishRetailWholesaleVehicles This value configures the vehicle export behavior disposition. Valid values include: R for retail, W for wholesale, S for subprime, RS for retail/subprime, and A for all. publishretail Free
Appraisal$PromptToSaveAsInventory Prompt to Push 1 of 2. Push/add appraisal to inventory or create inventory. ALSO ACTIVATE PROMPT TO PUSH 2 OF 2 prompt Free
SiteIntegration$PublishPricesFromAppraisalPush Prompt to Push 2 of 2. Push/add to initiate the price change via API after the push appraisal to create inventory. push Free
Appraisal$AllowNullPrice_PushToInventory Remove the List Price “requirement” so you can push/add a vehicle from appraisal with no price. push Free
Appraisal$DefaultToNullPrice_PushToInventory Push/adds vehicle and no price. Push from appraisal and List Price field will always be blank/null/zero. push Free
Appraisal.LeaseReturn Add the Purchase button/Lease Return * ALREADY INCLUDED * DON’T NEED TO ADD * this has been removed from the list as it is already included. Free
Appraisal$AppraisalSourceLabel Change source label/verbiage/word/label on Lease Return button (example Purchase). sourcelabel Free
Dashboard$PriceUpdatedXDaysAgo Alert for Price change from 7 days to older in needs attention box.(cc Fabian xdays Free
Radar$ShowDeleteVehicleButton Show or hide the Delete Button on the Inventory page if it becomes deleted or sold. button Free
Radar$MarketSeenMode The mode for cars seen on the Market. marketseen Free
Dashboard$HideOutdatedWindowStickersNeedInfo Remove Outdated Window Stickers from Needs attention Box. stickers Free
Dashboard$Hide_Description_AutoGen_NeedsAttention Set this to true if the entity has Compelling Descriptions but does not want the Unapproved AutoGenerated Descriptions line to show up in the Needs Attention box on the vehicle summary. autogen Free
Radar$ShowRBookInVehicleInventoryView Copy information from rBook appraisal into Gauge Page. Appraisal must be finalized, then the vehicle must come into Inventory. rbook to rail. rbook Free
Appraisal$ShowExistingAppraisalsFromOtherDealers Turn on/off notification that other stores in group have Appraised the same vehicle. dealers Free
Appraisal$Experian.SID Change/Add/Edit AutoCheck SID credentials. Dealer gets SID from their provider: Experian, DMS, etc.
Email Experian > Experian emails dealer > get SID from dealer.
SID Free
Release$LaunchOdometerFilter Allows you to look up vehicles in the Competitive Set with a Minimum/Maximum Odometer Range. Mileage range boxes show low and high mileage to create a competitive set to appraise and price your cars. odometerfilter Free
Appraisal$EnableCBBRegions Allows Canadian Dealers to choose which Region/Province they would like their Canadian BlackBook to display. regions Free
Appraisal$Manheim.ShowColorGradeOptions Shows/Turns Off the Color and Grade Options in the MMR Tool. colorgrade Free
Appraisal$PackCost Set this to true if the entiy wants to have a field for pack cost on the appraisal edit page. (Non-subprime) To edit the default value: Gen Settings > Used Vehicle Objectives. pack Free
Move User Move a User ID from one entity to another store. Move user to or from HQ Group Enterprise Access. This can be approved by PM, the HQ SysAdmin, or a different SysAdmin from the target location.
Admin > Enrollment > Users > find user by Username > select user > click on Entity in blue link > search for New entity to move them TO > select new entity > at bottom press Save (all permissions will stay with the User).
Copy Reports Copy reports from one UserID to another. User List Manager.?? BACKEND *
Edit Dealership Name Correct/edit/update dealership name and spelling or Address. Also copy in to ensure that Salesforce is updated as well.
Admin > Enrollment > Entities.
Add CRM New CRM Setup.
Admin > SysAdmin > WebService Keys – search for MP# if dealer is listed> (if not listed) search for CRM name and select it > select Add Entry button > add MP#
Price Source Site NOT AN APP REQUEST. Change the Price Source Site. This should be a case to make sure this is not due to an issue. BACKEND *
Move Entity Move an entity into or move entity out of HQ. Afterwards email PM, & (to update in Salesforce).
Admin > Enrollment > Entities > search for entity > select entity name blue link > at the Parent: field select the blue link of the current parent name > for the HQ group I want to move it TO > OR 2.move from HQ to become independent (example: search for region + $ + state code = “REGION$IL”) > Save.
Create HQ NOT AN APP REQUEST. Create a HQ for a dealer group. Create HQ must be opened by PM as an opportunity, Integrations will handle the creation of the HQ. If the PM is unsure how to open an opportunity, they can email If the HQ is already in SalesForce, check with Integration Team. BACKEND *
Edit Default NOT AN APP REQUEST. edit pack fee default price to appraisal.
Gen Settings > Used Vehicle Objectives. Add setting Appraisal$PackCost to see this field.
Edit Carfax Change/Add/Edit Carfax credentials.
Gen Settings > 3rd Party Links.
* Homepage days in inventory buckets.
Gen Settings > Days in Inventory Buckets or Market Days Supply Buckets.
**** SUBSCRIPTIONS (Check if FREE or PAID before turning on Subscriptions) 128 total ****
Appraisal.CostToMarket AppRequest SUB Free
Appraisal.PostCodeModification AppRequest. Use this zip code. SUB Free
Appraisal.Profit AppRequest. SUB Free
Appraisal.SisterStoreAppraising AppRequest. Part of HQ appraising for sister stores in group. SUB Free
AutoTrader.TIM AppRequest. Old name of KBB ICO. (instant cash offer). Trade In Marketplace. AutoTrader.TIM SUB Free
Craigslist AppRequest. Guidebook “Send to” listings in bottom left of Appraisals, sends vAuto info to craigs list. SUB Free
Enterprise.Ranking AppRequest. Transfer advantage. For inventory page, showing if you moved this car into a different dealership it would sell better. This only works if you are part of a group (HQ). SUB Free
EnterpriseTransfers AppRequest. For HQ groups, allows a dealer to push a car from one store in vAuto into another dealership in vAuto. Works as long as they are part of the same group. Turn on sub in all stores of group AND the HQ. This adds the “Dealer Transfer” button in the send to of bottom left in vehicle inventory. Then turn on Role for that user to be able to use this: Enrollment > Users > Enterprise.Trader SUB Free
Integration.SmartAuction AppRequest. In the Pricing, this adds SmartAuction to the button on the bottom left – sends the vehicle to the SmartAuction auction. SUB Free
Integration.VinSolutions AppRequest. **1st part of a package with Vin Solutions CRM.Leads and both need to be turned on** plus a Web Service Key needs to be activated ** SUB 1 of 3 Free
Integration.Xtime AppRequest. Service appointment software from Cox. Hover over Provision and a link will appear in the menu. SUB *
Inventory Data and Photo Publishing Only **LEGACY ** SHOULD NOT BE TURNED ON ** SUB *
Inventory.CompellingDescriptions AutoWriter. Module upgrade turned on by Integrations per PM. SUB
Inventory.CompellingDescriptions.AutoGenerate **LEGACY ** SHOULD NOT BE TURNED ON ** SUB *
Inventory.CopyEnterpriseAppraisal AppRequest. SUB *
Inventory.Ebay.Integration AppRequest. Guidebook “Send to” listings in bottom left of Appraisals, sends vAuto info to ebay. SUB Free
Inventory.OVE AppRequest. Guidebook “Send to” listings in bottom left of Appraisals, sends vAuto info to OVE. SUB Free
Inventory.Syndication Syndication. Module upgrade turned on by Integrations per PM. Check SalesForce if this has been paid for. Syndication sends photos from vAuto to Market. SUB
KelleyBlueBook.PriceAdvisorReport.New **NOT AN APP REQUEST** CONTACT PM kelleybluebook price advisor report for new vehicles. SUB
KelleyBlueBook.PriceAdvisorReport.Used **NOT AN APP REQUEST** CONTACT PM kelleybluebook price advisor report for used vehicles. SUB
Merchandising **NOT AN APP REQUEST** CONTACT PM Merchandising tracks website data from harvester. SUB
Merchandising-2.0 AppRequest. Turns on a tool called “listing logic”. Merchandising2.0 SUB Free
PriceGuide.BlackBook.Daily/Monthly/Weekly/Canada PriceGuide black book daily, monthly, weekly, canada. part of paid to sign up or costs money to add it. Dealer needs a second BB account for the mobile. SUB
PriceGuide.Galves PriceGuide Galves. part of paid to sign up. Dealer needs a second Galves account for the mobile. SUB
PriceGuide.KBBOnline PriceGuide KBB Online. part of paid to sign up. SUB
PriceGuide.KelleyBlueBook PriceGuide KelleyBlueBook. part of paid to sign up. SUB
PriceGuide.Manheim/Canada Manheim Canada. part of paid to sign up. SUB Free
PriceGuide.NAAA PriceGuide NAAA. part of paid to sign up. SUB Free
PriceGuide.NADA PriceGuide NADA. part of paid to sign up. SUB
Radar Radar. (part of the core app), gauge page, inventory data. SUB
Radar.AutoDistance AppRequest. Add Auto Radius on gauge page and book value. Auto distance increases radar market distance until enough vehicles can price the car. SUB Free
Radar.LiveRanking Radar.LiveRanking. FireFox plugin SUB Free
CANADA-ProvisionThis allows the Stocking tab on Canadian accounts.SUB
Ranking.MultipleModelYears AppRequest. Add Multiple Model Years. More boxes to include more years in market for pricing. SUB Free
Reporting.MissedTradesReport **NOT AN APP REQUEST** Reporting.MissedTradesReport. A dealership makes an appraisal on a trade-in, and this report shows if that gets traded at another dealership and they missed the trade. ONLY PM can make a case and request this. SUB Free
Stocking.AdvancedWorkbench AppRequest. **ACTIVATE ONLY IF SUB STOCKING2.0 HAS BEEN ACTIVATED** Advanced Workbench. Product in the stores to show at enterprise level, Stocking or Cost to Market. Add products at the Enterprise level. SUB Free
Subprime Part of subprime tool. SUB
Video ManagementSUB
VinSolutions.Leads AppRequest. **2nd part of Vin Solutions CRM, this enables enhanced CRM push to send vAuto appraisal “back” to dealer’s CRM and update it, also shows dealership services (tire rotation, etc) to vAuto called “service appointment viewer”. SUB 2 of 3 Free
** AppRequest. **3rd part of VinSolutions** Admin > SysAdmin > Web Service Keys > search for MP# if dealer is listed> (if not listed) search Vin Solutions and select it > select Add Entry button > add MP# > then call Vin Solutions to make sure they are connected with 3rd party appraisals. SUB 3 of 3 Free
vAuto Network or TradeNetwork(legacy term) AppRequest. vAuto Network or TradeNetwork(legacy term). HQ group sub, gives an internal craigslist or ebay so other dealers can buy from each other within the group. SUB Free



Complete List of Roles, App Requests, Subscriptions & Settings

Click button for short list of only App Requests.

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Name Description Keyword Cost
**** ROLES **** ****
ATC_DSM Autotrader DSM role ROLE *
AuctionGenius.ADESALiveBlock Gets Advanced Search Link in AuctionGenius ADESA Live Block ROLE *
AuctionGenius.Admin ROLE *
AuctionGenius.Developer ROLE *
AuctionGenius.MobileOnlyU… User with AuctionGenius mobile-only subscription ROLE *
AuctionGenius.Support ROLE *
AuctionGenius.User This is no longer required for Stockwave access. Needs only Stockwave.User role to use Stockwave and might need to remove this if the user cannot login correctly. ROLE *
Carproof.Purchase Access to CarProof Purchase ROLE *
Geniussync.User a Stockwave user. Geniussync.User is no longer required and only needs Stockwave.User role to use Stockwave. ROLE *
HQ.Appraiser enterprise hq appraiser ROLE *
Inventory.EditStockNumber access to edit inventory stock number ROLE *
PriceAdvisor.BadgeApprover User is allowed to approve/reject badges for Price Advisor ROLE *
Provision.Enterprise.Manager Role receives all access and all functionality within Provision Enterprise ROLE *
ServiceAppointmentViewer Viewer of service appointments. Gains access to Service Appointments page ROLE *
Stockwave.DealerAdmin A basic Stockwave dealer admin ROLE *
Stockwave.InternalService Access to Stockwave functionality for service applications. ROLE *
Stockwave.PowerUser Gives Stockwave Platform users access to more advanced niche features ROLE *
Stockwave.Test A Stockwave test role ROLE *
Stockwave.User a Stockwave user. AuctionGenius.User and GeniusSync.User are no longer required and only needs Stockwave.User role to use Stockwave. ROLE *
admin.canada Administrative access to Canadian entities ROLE * Limited admin role that allows access to new features. Before we are ready to release them to everyone. ROLE *
appraiser Dealership Appraiser ROLE *
atc.advertising-consultant Role for AC’s at autotrader to access different tools in VA ROLE *
auctiongenius.sales Auction Genius Sales Role ROLE * cdonnelly: Test role that only grants login feature ROLE *
compellingdescriptions.editor Role gives a user the ability to view and edit vehicle descriptions. Users without this role will not be able to view and edit descriptions ROLE *
demoUser vAuto demo functionality ROLE *
enterprise.trader Role gives the ability for the user to perform enterprise transfers ROLE *
enterpriseManager Manager at an enterprise set of stores. ROLE *
entity.UserManager Administrator for user management for the Dealership/Enterprise ROLE *
entity.admin Administrator for Dealership/Enterprise. Basically a customer admin, not a vAuto level admin ROLE *
inventoryManager for salespersons who have permission to add vehicle to inventory ROLE *
listinglogic.user User has access to the Listing Logic tool. ROLE *
manager Manager of a dealer that has appraising rights. ROLE *
ncp.admin Conquest user. ncp.Admin is the required role for a user to access Conquest. Admin access to all New Car Pricing Functionality. ROLE *
ncp.admin.snapshots Create, Update, and Delete NCP demo snapshots. ROLE *
ncp.user Conquest user that can do nothing. ROLE *
photoPublisher User can publish photos of a car. ROLE * Price Advisor Management. ROLE *
pricer User can save vehicle pricing (Gauge page). ROLE *
salesperson Dealership salesperson. ROLE *
test This role is used for unit testing. ROLE *
vauto.cachemanager Role gives a user the ability to manage cache. Users without this role will not be able to access Cachemanager ROLE *
vauto.employee Role gets you va admin access, vin decoder, read only view of the entity edit and can edit user (you can only add those vauto roles that you own) ROLE *
vauto.entity Role gives user the ability to edit entities. ROLE *
vauto.entitysql Role gives a user the ability to edit the SQL on the entity edit page ROLE *
vauto.exports Role gives a user the ability to edit Export configuration. Users without this role will not be able to view or edit Export information ROLE *
vauto.impersonate Role gives a user the ability to impersonate other users. A user cannot impersonate anyone with a vauto role unless that user is also an admin. ROLE * All privileges of the vauto.employee role along with ability to edit entities beneath US and CANADA, read only access to loggers and edit access to all queues ROLE *
vauto.supportnotes Role gives the ability to read/write support notes. ROLE *
vauto.webservices Role gives a user the ability to manage WebServices and WebServer information. Users without this role will not be able to view or edit WebServices and WebServer information ROLE *
wholesaleBuyer A user that can view the vAuto Network and send and receive messages on it. ROLE *
windowStickerGenerator A user that can view the window sticker creation screen. ROLE * Role for App Store reviewers. ROLE *
**** APP REQUEST – SETTINGS **** ****
Missing trade report NOT AN APP REQUEST missing trade report. *
Auto Finalize Appraisals NOT AN APP REQUEST auto finalize appraisals. *
Update Existing NOT AN APP REQUEST Turn on or off the Update Existing checkbox to overwrite photo imports.
Push Appraisal Photos to Inventory NOT AN APP REQUEST Have the appraisal photos push into inventory with the vehicle.
Inventory$ShowSalespersonOnSold Allows the user to pick a Salesperson when marking a vehicle as sold. sold Free
Inventory$Merchandising.MinImageCount Change minimum photo count for merchandising. minima Free
Appraisal$TransportationFee Add Transportation Fee Field in appraisal. fee Free
Appraisal$AuctionFee Add Auction Fee Field in appraisal. fee Free
Appraisal$AppraisalActionLabels Rename the appraisal Save/Finalize button. Can only use (Save, Incomplete, Pending, Hold, Unseen). action Free
Appraisal$OptionalToNormalFields Show/Hide an input field. Change a field from Required to Option. Appraisal box to always open, but not required for an Appraisal.
(To find field name: right-click in field > Inspect > find the HTML Id=”field name is here”)
option Free
Application$HQAppraisalReviewRequired This is the setting to enable HQ Appraisal process as required for Entities. review Free
Appraisal$RequiredFields Show/Hide an input field and also Make it required for an Appraisal.
(To find field name: right-click in field > Inspect > find the HTML Id=”field name is here”).
required Free
Radar$RadarDistances Add incremental mileage on gauge page and rbook. (Default 10,20,30,40,50,75,100,150,250,500,10000) radard Free
Radar$AutoRankingDistanceTargetCars The target number of cars for ranking a vehicle when auto distance is selected. distancetarget Free
Radar$AutoRankingDistanceMax Maximum distance for ranking a vehicle when auto distance is selected. distancemax Free
Syndication$UseCompareToPrice Turn on Other Price. The second price field. The higher price. compare Free
Radar$OtherPriceLabel Rename Other Price field. The second price field. The higher price. other Free
vehicle$defaultretailwholesale Configures the import disposition from appraisal. Push/add new appraisal to retail, wholesale, special finance (uncommon). defaultretail Free
Syndication$PublishRetailWholesaleVehicles This value configures the vehicle export behavior disposition. Valid values include: R for retail, W for wholesale, S for subprime, RS for retail/subprime, and A for all. publishretail Free
Appraisal$PromptToSaveAsInventory Prompt to Push 1 of 2. Push/add appraisal to inventory or create inventory. ALSO ACTIVATE PROMPT TO PUSH 2 OF 2 prompt Free
SiteIntegration$PublishPricesFromAppraisalPush Prompt to Push 2 of 2. Push/add to initiate the price change via API after the push appraisal to create inventory. push Free
Appraisal$AllowNullPrice_PushToInventory Remove the List Price “requirement” so you can push/add a vehicle from appraisal with no price. push Free
Appraisal$DefaultToNullPrice_PushToInventory Push/adds vehicle and no price. Push from appraisal and List Price field will always be blank/null/zero. push Free
Appraisal.LeaseReturn Add the Purchase button/Lease Return * ALREADY INCLUDED * DON’T NEED TO ADD * Free
Appraisal$AppraisalSourceLabel Change source label/verbiage/word/label on Lease Return button (example Purchase). sourcelabel Free
Dashboard$PriceUpdatedXDaysAgo Alert for Price change from 7 days to older in needs attention box.(cc Fabian xdays Free
Radar$ShowDeleteVehicleButton Show or hide the Delete Button on the Inventory page if it becomes deleted or sold. button Free
Radar$MarketSeenMode The mode for cars seen on the Market. marketseen Free
Dashboard$HideOutdatedWindowStickersNeedInfo Remove Outdated Window Stickers from Needs attention Box. stickers Free
Dashboard$Hide_Description_AutoGen_NeedsAttention Set this to true if the entity has Compelling Descriptions but does not want the Unapproved AutoGenerated Descriptions line to show up in the Needs Attention box on the vehicle summary. autogen Free
Radar$ShowRBookInVehicleInventoryView Copy information from rBook appraisal into Gauge Page. Appraisal must be finalized, then the vehicle must come into Inventory. rbook to rail. rbook Free
Appraisal$ShowExistingAppraisalsFromOtherDealers Turn on/off notification that other stores in group have Appraised the same vehicle. dealers Free
Appraisal$Experian.SID Change/Add/Edit AutoCheck SID credentials. Dealer gets SID from their provider: Experian, DMS, etc.
Email Experian > Experian emails dealer > get SID from dealer.
SID Free
Release$LaunchOdometerFilter Allows you to look up vehicles in the Competitive Set with a Minimum/Maximum Odometer Range. Mileage range boxes show low and high mileage to create a competitive set to appraise and price your cars. odometerfilter Free
Appraisal$EnableCBBRegions Allows Canadian Dealers to choose which Region/Province they would like their Canadian BlackBook to display. regions Free
Appraisal$Manheim.ShowColorGradeOptions Shows/Turns Off the Color and Grade Options in the MMR Tool. colorgrade Free
Appraisal$PackCost Set this to true if the entiy wants to have a field for pack cost on the appraisal edit page. (Non-subprime) To edit the default value: Gen Settings > Used Vehicle Objectives. pack Free
Move User Move a User ID from one entity to another store. Move user to or from HQ Group Enterprise Access. This can be approved by PM, the HQ SysAdmin, or a different SysAdmin from the target location.
Admin > Enrollment > Users > find user by Username > select user > click on Entity in blue link > search for New entity to move them TO > select new entity > at bottom press Save (all permissions will stay with the User).
Copy Reports Copy reports from one UserID to another. User List Manager.?? BACKEND *
Edit Dealership Name Correct/edit/update dealership name and spelling or Address. Also copy in to ensure that Salesforce is updated as well.
Admin > Enrollment > Entities.
Add CRM New CRM Setup.
Admin > SysAdmin > WebService Keys – search for MP# if dealer is listed> (if not listed) search for CRM name and select it > select Add Entry button > add MP#
Price Source Site NOT AN APP REQUEST. Change the Price Source Site. This should be a case to make sure this is not due to an issue. BACKEND *
Move Entity Move an entity into or move entity out of HQ. Afterwards email PM, & (to update in Salesforce).
Admin > Enrollment > Entities > search for entity > select entity name blue link > at the Parent: field select the blue link of the current parent name > for the HQ group I want to move it TO > OR 2.move from HQ to become independent (example: search for region + $ + state code = “REGION$IL”) > Save.
Create HQ NOT AN APP REQUEST. Create a HQ for a dealer group. Create HQ must be opened by PM as an opportunity, Integrations will handle the creation of the HQ. If the PM is unsure how to open an opportunity, they can email If the HQ is already in SalesForce, check with Integration Team. BACKEND *
Edit Default NOT AN APP REQUEST. edit pack fee default price to appraisal.
Gen Settings > Used Vehicle Objectives. Add setting Appraisal$PackCost to see this field.
Edit Carfax Change/Add/Edit Carfax credentials.
Gen Settings > 3rd Party Links.
* Homepage days in inventory buckets.
Gen Settings > Days in Inventory Buckets or Market Days Supply Buckets.
**** SUBSCRIPTIONS (Check if FREE or PAID before turning on Subscriptions) 128 total ****
AppraisalAbility to configure customer voucher settings for an entity, Ability to create a new appraisal, Ability to quicksearch for appraisals and inventory, Access to save appraisals as finalized (compeleted), Access to save appraisals as in progress status, Access to save appraisals as pending status, Access to save appraisals created by any user, Access to save appraisals created by my user, Access to the Recommendation Appraisal page, Access to the Report Designer, Access to the appraisal edit page, Access to the appraisal list, Access to view appraisals created by my user, Access to view appraisals created by other users, Allow subscribed dealer to mark appraisal as a lease return (sourceid 3), Allow this entity to have general inventory functionality, Allow user to appraise inventory vehicles, Allow user to perform appraisals, otherwise they are shown views that don’t contain prices., Allow user to print book values, Allow user to use the tags editor, Allow user to view & edit additional information such as Title, Certified, Extended Warranty, and more., Allow user to view & edit customer information, including vehicle-of-interest, to appraisals., Allow user to view/print reports for appraisals, Allows access to the appraisal summary, Allows access to the book values tab on the gauge page, Allows access to the equity report, Can receive notifications about appraisals, Displays the total cost/avg market value, Enable the National pricing type for NAAA price guide., Enable the Regional pricing type for NAAA price guide., Feature that enables support for multi-user features such as selecting Salesperson/Appraiser, making Comments, etc., Feature that optionally allows 3rd party links to show up, Feature to determine if the user should have access to carfax, Feature to enable editing and viewing of used vehicle objectives, Feature to enable/disable the Radar data price guide., General appraisal feature, General manager user, Show Custom on Settings/General/ThirdPartyLink, Show DMV on Settings/General/ThirdPartyLink, Show Experian on Settings/General/ThirdPartyLink, Show Manheim on Settings/General/ThirdPartyLink, Show the Valuation column on the Inventory List page, Show the comparison groups on the dashboard, The Provisiontheme, Vehicle Photo integration in the Appraisal EditorSUB
Appraisal Legacy ScoreThe score calculation from the old appraisal toolSUB
Appraisal.CentralizedAppraisingAbility to mark appraisals for Centralized appraising, Ability to send appraisals to sister stores. On a new appraisal the Action Button will show HQ Appraise. Must also have Sub at HQ level.SUBFree
Appraisal.CostToMarket AppRequest SUB Free
Appraisal.PostCodeModification AppRequest. Use this zip code. SUB Free
Appraisal.Profit AppRequest. SUB Free
Appraisal.SisterStoreAppraising AppRequest. Part of HQ appraising for sister stores in group. SUB Free
AuctionGenius.ADESAAccess to Adesa auctionsSUB
AuctionGenius.Apps.DriveTimeInfoEnables the DriveTime Info application in Auction GeniusSUB
AuctionGenius.BaseAllows access to ToyotaDealerDirect platform within Geniussync product, The AuctionGenius themeSUB
AuctionGenius.Dealer2DealerAccess to platform in AuctionGeniusSUB
AuctionGenius.FordQuicAccess to FordQuic platform in AuctionGenius.SUB
AuctionGenius.HighLineSaleAccess to platform in AuctionGeniusSUB
AuctionGenius.HyundaiFastLaneAccess to HyundaiFastLane platform in AuctionGeniusSUB
AuctionGenius.IndependentAccess to Independent auctions, Access to auctionpipeline platform in Auction Genius, Access to the Velocicast simulcast client, Allows access to all WTG auctions within AuctionGenius, Browse WTG AuctionsSUB
AuctionGenius.ManheimAccess to Manheim auctions, Access to platform in AuctionGeniusSUB
AuctionGenius.MobileAbility to create a new appraisal, Access to save appraisals as finalized (compeleted), Access to save appraisals as in progress status, Access to save appraisals as pending status, Access to save appraisals created by any user, Access to save appraisals created by my user, Access to view appraisals created by my user, Access to view appraisals created by other users, Active market vehicles feature for AuctionGenius Mobile-Only, Allow the user to configure what auctions they see, Allow user to perform appraisals, otherwise they are shown views that don’t contain prices., Allows QuickSearch to search auctions, Allows access to all auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to all online auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to online auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to the auction flow within the Auction Genius and Provision mobile apps, Allows access to the auction vehicle lists in mobile, Displays the total cost/avg market value, Feature that optionally allows 3rd party links to show up, Feature to determine if the user should have access to carfax, General appraisal feature, Show Manheim on Settings/General/ThirdPartyLink, Shows AG branding in the mobile apps, The AuctionGenius theme, Vehicle Photo integration in the Appraisal Editor, When creating appraisals allow the auction vehicle information to be copied over.SUB
AuctionGenius.Mobile.LegacyAccess to Independent auctionsSUB
AuctionGenius.MobileOnlyAbility to create a new appraisal, Access to Adesa auctions, Access to Independent auctions, Access to Manheim auctions, Access to save appraisals as finalized (compeleted), Access to save appraisals as in progress status, Access to save appraisals as pending status, Access to save appraisals created by any user, Access to save appraisals created by my user, Access to view appraisals created by my user, Access to view appraisals created by other users, Allow the user to configure what auctions they see, Allow user to perform appraisals, otherwise they are shown views that don’t contain prices., Allows QuickSearch to search auctions, Allows access to all auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to all online auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to online auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to the auction flow within the Auction Genius and Provision mobile apps, Allows access to the auction vehicle lists in mobile, AuctionGenius Manheim price guide, AuctionGenius.MobileOnly.Login, Displays the total cost/avg market value, Enable the Retail pricing type for Manheim price guide., Enable the Wholesale pricing type for Manheim price guide., Feature that optionally allows 3rd party links to show up, Feature to determine if the user should have access to carfax, Feature to enable/disable the Manheim price guide., General appraisal feature, Show Manheim on Settings/General/ThirdPartyLink, Shows AG branding in the mobile apps, The AuctionGenius theme, Vehicle Photo integration in the Appraisal Editor, When creating appraisals allow the auction vehicle information to be copied over.SUB
AuctionGenius.MobileOnly.ActiveMarketVehiclesActive market vehicles feature for AuctionGenius Mobile-OnlySUB
AuctionGenius.PriceGuide.LegacyManheimAuctionGenius legecy Manheim price guide, Enable the Retail pricing type for Manheim price guide., Enable the Wholesale pricing type for Manheim price guide., Feature to enable/disable the Manheim price guide.SUB
AuctionGenius.PriceGuideLegacyManheimCanadaAuctionGenius legecy Manheim price guide, Enable the Manheim Canada price guide., Enable the Retail pricing type for Manheim price guide., Enable the Wholesale pricing type for Manheim price guide.SUB
AuctionGenius.ProAccess to platform in AuctionGenius, Access to RMS BMW platform in AuctionGenius, Allows access to MBonDemand platoform within AuctionGenius product, Allows access to ToyotaDealerDirect platoform within Geniussync product, The AuctionGenius themeSUB
AuctionGenius.vAutoDomainLoads AuctionGenius under the domain to elliminate display mixed content issuesSUB
AuctionGenius.vAutoPriceGuidesEnables the Users to use AuctionGenius-vAuto Price GuidesSUB
AuctionGenius.x.CFAAAccess to CFAA platform in Auction Genius, Allows access to all WTG auctions within AuctionGeniusSUB
AuctionGenius.x.GAAAccess to GAA platform in Auction Genius, Allows access to all WTG auctions within AuctionGeniusSUB
AuctionGenius.x.SmartAuctionAccess to SmartAuction platform in AuctionGeniusSUB
AuctionGenius.y.AuctionEdgeAccess to auctionpipeline platform in Auction GeniusSUB
AuctionGenius.y.MBFSAccess to the Mercedes-Benz Financial White-Label siteSUB
AuctionGenius.y.MBonDemandAllows access to MBonDemand platoform within AuctionGenius productSUB
AuctionGenius.y.WTGAllows access to all WTG auctions within AuctionGenius, Browse WTG AuctionsSUB
AutoTrader.ScarcityAllow the use of AutoTrader scarcity dataSUB
AutoTrader.TIM AppRequest. Old name of KBB ICO. (instant cash offer). Trade In Marketplace. AutoTrader.TIM SUB Free
AutoVisorAccess to create,update,generate report, Access to the Compelling Descriptions editor views., Access to the Radar Gauge Page, Access to the inventory editor, Allow the entity to create printables (Window Sticker and Buyers Guides)., Allow the user to manage marketing image sets, Allow the user to use the advanced photo manipulation tools with marketting images., Allow this entity to have general inventory functionality, Allow user to appraise inventory vehicles, Allow user to save changes made to the gauge page, Allows access to AutoVisor functionality, Allows access to the book values tab on the gauge page, Allows user to modify vehicle, Determines whether the “Dealer management” permission is displayed on the user permissions page., Determines whether the “Save vehicle prices” permission is displayed on the user permissions page., Display link to AutoVisor report in the Inventory List., Enable the Retail pricing type for Kelley Blue Book price guide., FTC functionality, Feature that optionally allows 3rd party links to show up, Feature to determine if the user should have access to carfax, Feature to enable/disable the Kelley Blue Book price guide., Feature to enable/disable the Window Stickers settings page, General appraisal feature, Gives access to the handler that generates the images for display., Show Certifications on Settings/General/Syndication, The AutoVisor themeSUB
Brokerage.AlphaAbility to accept a Brokerage offer – authorize purchase of a vehicle, Ability to reject a Brokerage offer, Ability to view Brokerage offersSUB
CANADA-AppraisalAbility to configure customer voucher settings for an entity, Ability to create a new appraisal, Ability to quicksearch for appraisals and inventory, Access to save appraisals as finalized (compeleted), Access to save appraisals as in progress status, Access to save appraisals as pending status, Access to save appraisals created by any user, Access to save appraisals created by my user, Access to the Recommendation Appraisal page, Access to the Report Designer, Access to the appraisal edit page, Access to the appraisal list, Access to view appraisals created by my user, Access to view appraisals created by other users, Allow subscribed dealer to mark appraisal as a lease return (sourceid 3), Allow this entity to have general inventory functionality, Allow user to appraise inventory vehicles, Allow user to perform appraisals, otherwise they are shown views that don’t contain prices., Allow user to print book values, Allow user to use the tags editor, Allow user to view & edit additional information such as Title, Certified, Extended Warranty, and more., Allow user to view & edit customer information, including vehicle-of-interest, to appraisals., Allow user to view/print reports for appraisals, Allow users to expand their competitive sets to include multiple model years., Allows access to the appraisal summary, Allows access to the book values tab on the gauge page, Allows access to the equity report, Allows the users under this entity to toggle the language of the app from the default (english) to french., Can receive notifications about appraisals, Display the link to carproof on both the appraisal and gauge page., Displays the total cost/avg market value, Feature that enables support for multi-user features such as selecting Salesperson/Appraiser, making Comments, etc., Feature that optionally allows 3rd party links to show up, Feature to determine if the user should have access to carfax, Feature to enable editing and viewing of used vehicle objectives, Feature to enable/disable the Radar data price guide., General appraisal feature, General manager user, Show Custom on Settings/General/ThirdPartyLink, Show Manheim Canada on Settings/General/ThirdPartyLink, Show the Valuation column on the Inventory List page, The Provisiontheme, Vehicle Photo integration in the Appraisal EditorSUB
CANADA-KnowledgeNetworkShow the comparison groups on the dashboardSUB
CANADA-MerchandisingAccess to edit milestones and phases, Access to view milestones and general lifecycle data., Feature tied to the mechandising dashboard.SUB
CANADA-ProvisionThis allows the Stocking tab on Canadian accountsSUB
CANADA-RadarAbility to configure Vehicle Critical Items indication for Syndication, Ability to quicksearch for appraisals and inventory, Access to Logi report for showing appraisals that were not booked in, but whose vin appeared later in the market., Access to Vehicle History report/chart, Access to Vehicle Market Report, Access to a simple editor for changing the attributes of your vehicle that are pertinent to the ranking of the vehicle., Access to the Radar Gauge Page, Access to the Report Designer, Access to the Vehicle Pricing History report/chart, Allow Percent Of Market field in reports, Allow access to the age of the vehicles, Allow showing the Pricing Target filter in the inventory grid., Allow this entity to have general inventory functionality, Allow user to save changes made to the gauge page, Allow user to use the tags editor, Allow user to view/manage target prices on vehicles, Allow users to configure pending price changes, Allow users to configure pricing targets, Allow users to expand their competitive sets to include multiple model years., Allow users to modify pending price change configuration, Allow vehicles to be ranked, Allows the users under this entity to toggle the language of the app from the default (english) to french., Allows user to modify vehicle, Allows users to view/interact with Day Supply information, Analysis bell curve for Gauge Page, Determines whether the “Dealer management” permission is displayed on the user permissions page., Determines whether the “Save vehicle prices” permission is displayed on the user permissions page., Display the link to carproof on both the appraisal and gauge page., Displays the total cost/avg market value, Feature for displaying profit values, Feature for whether the vehicles tab should show up, Feature to determine if the user should have access to carfax, Feature to enable/disable the display of the Vin numbers on the CompetitiveSet Tab, General manager user, Grants ability to delete inventory records by hiding, marking as sold, etc., Pending Price Changes report, Pricing Alerts and related reports, Show the DetailUri link on UniqueVehicle lists, The Provisiontheme, vMax™SUB
Conquest.CustomDiscountsAllow users to create and apply custom discounts to inventory vehiclesSUB
Conquest.DemoDealerConquest demo dealer., General demo feature, General manager userSUB
Conquest.StrategyAllow users to and edit pricing rules for inventory vehiclesSUB
Craigslist AppRequest. Guidebook “Send to” listings in bottom left of Appraisals, sends vAuto info to craigs list. SUB Free
DealerTrackDms.VehicleInsertAllows entities to push Inventory to DealerTrack DMSSUB
DemoAccess to the Competitive Insight page, Allows users to view/interact with Day Supply information, Feature to enable/disable the Window Stickers settings page, General demo feature, General manager userSUB
Enterprise.Ranking AppRequest. Transfer advantage. For inventory page, showing if you moved this car into a different dealership it would sell better. This only works if you are part of a group (HQ). SUB Free
EnterpriseTransfers AppRequest. For HQ groups, allows a dealer to push a car from one store in vAuto into another dealership in vAuto. Works as long as they are part of the same group. Turn on sub in all stores in their group. This adds the “Dealer Transfer” button in the send to of bottom left in vehicle inventory. Then turn on Role for that user to be able to use this: Enrollment > Users > Enterprise.Trader SUB Free
GeniussyncAccess to Adesa auctions, Access to platform in AuctionGenius, Access to Independent auctions, Access to Manheim auctions, Access to platform in AuctionGenius, Access to RMS BMW platform in AuctionGenius, Access to auctionpipeline platform in Auction Genius, Access to the Velocicast simulcast client, Allows access to GMF platform within AuctionGenius product, Allows access to MBonDemand platoform within AuctionGenius product, Allows access to ToyotaDealerDirect platoform within Geniussync product, Allows access to all WTG auctions within AuctionGenius, Allows access to the CarGurus component and average prices in the retail glance cells , Browse WTG Auctions, Enables the Users to use AuctionGenius-vAuto Price Guides, The AuctionGenius themeSUB
Geniussync.ToyotaDealerDirectAllows access to ToyotaDealerDirect platoform within Geniussync productSUB
Integration.DealerDealerTrackDmsAllow the dealer to integrate with the dealer track DMSSUB
Integration.SmartAuction AppRequest. In the Pricing, this adds SmartAuction to the button on the bottom left – sends the vehicle to the SmartAuction auction. SUB Free
Integration.VinSolutions AppRequest. **1st part of a package with VinSolutions CRM.Leads and both need to be turned on** plus a Web Service Key needs to be activated ** SUB 1 of 3 Free
Integration.Xtime AppRequest. Service appointment software from Cox. Hover over Provision and a link will appear in the menu. SUB *
Inventory Data Publishing OnlyAccess to the inventory editor, Allow the user to modify export configuration, Allows the entity to collect and edit new inventory., Dashboard page for the inventory syndication, Show Certifications on Settings/General/SyndicationSUB
Inventory Data and Photo Publishing Only **LEGACY ** SHOULD NOT BE TURNED ON ** SUB *
Inventory.AddUsedVehicleAllow User to add used cars from the inventory listSUB
Inventory.CompellingDescriptions AutoWriter. Module upgrade turned on by Integrations per PM. SUB
Inventory.CompellingDescriptions.AutoGenerate **LEGACY ** SHOULD NOT BE TURNED ON ** SUB *
Inventory.CopyEnterpriseAppraisal AppRequest. If there is a vehicle with no inventory appraisal for one of the dealers in this enterprise, and such an appraisal exists for one of the other dealers in the enterprise, copy it over to this vehicle. SUB *
Inventory.Ebay.Integration AppRequest. Guidebook “Send to” listings in bottom left of Appraisals, sends vAuto info to ebay. SUB Free
Inventory.NewCarPricingAbility to quicksearch for appraisals and inventory, Ability to view/edit Admin info on the NCP pricing tab, Access to NCP Dashboard, Access to Vehicle History report/chart, Access to compelling descriptions for conquest vehicles, Access to edit rebate tab info on the GaugePage, Access to read rebate tab info on the GaugePage, Access to the Competitive Insight page, Access to the Radar Gauge Page, Access to the Report Designer, Access to the Vehicle Pricing History report/chart, Access to the inventory editor, Access to the new car pricing vehicle detail page, Access to the vehicle grouping splitter, Allow Percent Of Market field in reports, Allow User to add new cars from the inventory list, Allow access to the age of the vehicles, Allow this entity to have general inventory functionality, Allow user to save changes made to the gauge page, Allow user to use the tags editor, Allow users to and edit pricing rules for inventory vehicles, Allow users to configure Conquest Notifications, Allow users to create and apply custom discounts to inventory vehicles, Allows the entity to collect and edit new inventory., Allows the user to edit rebate configuration., Allows the user to read rebate configuration., Allows user to modify vehicle, Allows users to view/interact with Day Supply information, Enables display of pricing type “New Car Fair Purchase Price (High)” for price guide “KBB New Car”, Enables display of pricing type “New Car Fair Purchase Price (Low)” for price guide “KBB New Car”, Enables display of pricing type “New Car Fair Purchase Price” for price guide “KBB New Car”, Enables the KBB New Car Price Guide, NCP Settings, New car pricing product read write feature, Pending Price Changes report, Permission to see the description icon on the inventory reports., Show the DetailUri link on UniqueVehicle lists, The Conquest Theme, The NCP product controls the list priceSUB
Inventory.OLAAllow dealers to create listings on OnlineAuction.comSUB
Inventory.OVE AppRequest. Guidebook “Send to” listings in bottom left of Appraisals, sends vAuto info to OVE. SUB Free
Inventory.PhotoManagementAllow the user to manage marketing image sets, Allow the user to use the advanced photo manipulation tools with marketting images., Gives access to the handler that generates the images for display.SUB
Inventory.SalesAccess to Vehicle.Sales based functionalitySUB
Inventory.Stocking.InquiryAllows the subscribed dealer to inquire about available vehiclesSUB
Inventory.Syndication Syndication. Module upgrade turned on by Integrations per PM. Check SalesForce if this has been paid for. Syndication sends photos from vAuto to Market. SUB
Inventory.WindowStickersAllow entity to create buyers guides, Allow entity to create marketing printables, Allow the entity to create printables (Window Sticker and Buyers Guides)., Feature to enable/disable the Window Stickers settings pageSUB
KBB.PriceAdvisor.BookExportFor vAuto customers that use the KBB price advisor widget (different from PAR), we want to export the kbb booking information to KBB to make sure the numbers displayed in that widget match what is shown in ProvisionSUB
KelleyBlueBook.PriceAdvisorReport.New **NOT AN APP REQUEST** CONTACT PM kelleybluebook price advisor report for new vehicles. SUB
KelleyBlueBook.PriceAdvisorReport.Used **NOT AN APP REQUEST** CONTACT PM kelleybluebook price advisor report for used vehicles. SUB
Merchandising **NOT AN APP REQUEST** CONTACT PM Merchandising tracks website data from harvester. SUB
Merchandising-2.0 AppRequest. Turns on a tool called “listing logic”. Merchandising2.0 SUB Free
Mobile.AuctionAllows access to all auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to the auction flow within the Auction Genius and Provision mobile apps, Allows access to the auction vehicle lists in mobileSUB
NewsFeedAccess to the news feed informationSUB
PriceGuide.BlackBook.Daily/Monthly/Weekly/Canada PriceGuide black book daily, monthly, weekly, canada. part of paid to sign up or costs money to add it. Dealer needs a second BB account for the mobile. SUB
PriceGuide.Galves PriceGuide Galves. part of paid to sign up. Dealer needs a second Galves account for the mobile. SUB
PriceGuide.KBBOnline PriceGuide KBB Online. part of paid to sign up. SUB
PriceGuide.KelleyBlueBook PriceGuide KelleyBlueBook. part of paid to sign up. SUB
PriceGuide.ManheimAuctionGenius Manheim price guide, AuctionGenius legecy Manheim price guide, Enable the Retail pricing type for Manheim price guide., Enable the Wholesale pricing type for Manheim price guide., Feature to enable/disable the Manheim price guide.SUB
PriceGuide.Manheim/Canada Manheim Canada. part of paid to sign up. SUB Free
PriceGuide.NAAA PriceGuide NAAA. part of paid to sign up. SUB Free
PriceGuide.NADA PriceGuide NADA. part of paid to sign up. SUB
PriceGuide.TMREnable the Offer pricing type for TIM price guide., Feature to enable/disable the TIM Market Report price guide.SUB
Provision.AggregateLookToBookReport showing look to book numbers across multiple dealers for a dealer group.SUB
Provision.EnterpriseAbility to mark appraisals for Centralized appraising, Ability to send appraisals to sister stores, Allows an entity to engage in enterprise transfers, Provision Enterprise Dashboard FunctionalitySUB
Provision.Enterprise.CrossMarketAllows an enterprise to see the Enterprise Trader Role, Allows an entity to engage in enterprise transfers, Provision Enterprise Cross Market Functionality, Provision Enterprise functionality Access from Provision menuSUB
Provision.Enterprise.InMarketAllows an enterprise to see the Enterprise Trader Role, Allows an entity to engage in enterprise transfers, Provision Enterprise In Market Functionality, Provision Enterprise functionality Access from Provision menuSUB
Provision.EnterpriseDashboardProvision Enterprise Dashboard FunctionalitySUB
Radar Radar. (part of the core app), gauge page, inventory data. SUB
Radar.AutoDistance AppRequest. Add Auto Radius on gauge page and book value. Auto distance increases radar market distance until enough vehicles can price the car. SUB Free
Radar.LiveRanking Radar.LiveRanking. FireFox plugin SUB Free
RadarBasicAbility to quicksearch for appraisals and inventory, Access to the Radar Gauge Page, Allow Percent Of Market field in reports, Allow access to the age of the vehicles, Allow vehicles to be ranked, Determines whether the “Dealer management” permission is displayed on the user permissions page., Determines whether the “Save vehicle prices” permission is displayed on the user permissions page.SUB
Ranking.MultipleModelYears AppRequest. Add Multiple Model Years. More boxes to include more years in market for pricing. SUB Free
RealDeal.comAccess to the beta website link, Allow the user to manage marketing image sets, Gives access to the handler that generates the images for display., functionalitySUB
RedWagon“Ability to create a new appraisal, Ability to quicksearch for appraisals and inventory, Access to save appraisals as finalized (compeleted), Access to save appraisals as in progress status, Access to save appraisals as pending status, Access to save appraisals created by any user, Access to save appraisals created by my user, Access to the Radar Gauge Page, Access to the appraisal edit page, Access to the appraisal list, Access to view appraisals created by my user, Access to view appraisals created by other users, Allow Percent Of Market field in reports, Allow access to the age of the vehicles, Allow this entity to have general inventory functionality, Allow user to appraise inventory vehicles, Allow user to change the price of an inventory vehicle via its inventory appraisal., Allow user to delete (hide or mark sold) an inventory vehicle via its inventory appraisal., Allow user to perform appraisals, otherwise they are shown views that don’t contain prices., Allow user to print book values, Allow user to save changes made to the gauge page, Allow user to view/print reports for appraisals, Allow vehicles to be ranked, Allows access via RedWagon clients., Allows user to modify vehicle, Allows users to view/interact with Day Supply information, Deprecated. Superseded by Client.RedWagon. Blocks access to the webapp. If the user has access to this feature, THEY WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO LOGIN VIA THE WEB APPLICATION. This is to be used for the “lite” versions of apps that are only allowed on mobile devices like the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch., Determines whether the “Dealer management” permission is displayed on the user permissions page., Determines whether the “Save vehicle prices” permission is displayed on the user permissions page., Displays the total cost/avg market value, Feature that optionally allows 3rd party links to show up, Feature to determine if the user should have access to carfax, Feature to enable/disable the Radar data price guide., General appraisal feature, Grants ability to delete inventory records by hiding, marking as sold, etc.”SUB
Reporting.InventoryAgeBucketReportAccess to Logi report for showing inventory stats by 10 day age buckets rolled up to reporting groups. Created for Van TuylSUB
Reporting.LifecycleSummaryAccess to Logi report that shows lifecycle performance by storeSUB
Reporting.MissedTradesReport **NOT AN APP REQUEST** Reporting.MissedTradesReport. A dealership makes an appraisal on a trade-in, and this report shows if that gets traded at another dealership and they missed the trade. ONLY PM can make a case and request this. SUB Free
Reporting.SoldReportAccess to Logi report that shows sales data with average investment includedSUB
Reporting.WriteDownReportAccess to Logi report for showing end of month write down. Created for Van TuylSUB
SnapLotHomeNet SnapLot FunctionalitySUB
Stocking.2.0Access to Adesa auctions, Access to Independent auctions, Access to Manheim auctions, Allow the user to configure what auctions they see, Allow users to access stocking optimizer, Allows a subscribed dealer to view auction vehicles in the stocking cart, Allows a subscribed dealer to view their experience with a car in the stocking module., Allows access to all online auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to favorited vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to online auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to recommended vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to the auction vehicle lists in mobile, Enables the provision ranking to show up on the appraisal/gauge page, Feature tied to the Conquest Strategy page., Heat sheet and Buy List 2.0, Process the strategy actions for the entity., Use the profitability metric in the stocking score card for provision (created to suppress the metric from Canadian dealers until we get enough transaction data), We are trying to differentiate the new and old stocking with subscriptions, but there are some pages that need to be shared by both, When creating appraisals allow the auction vehicle information to be copied over.SUB
Stocking.AdvancedWorkbench AppRequest. **ACTIVATE ONLY IF SUB STOCKING2.0 HAS BEEN ACTIVATED** Advanced Workbench. Product in the stores to show at enterprise level, Stocking or Cost to Market. Add products at the Enterprise level. SUB Free
Stocking.AppraisalGaugePageProvisionEnables the provision ranking to show up on the appraisal/gauge pageSUB
Stocking.EnterpriseTransferReportAllow users to access a new report that compares stocking data at sister stores to find candidate cars for trasferSUB
Stocking.PastProfitConsider past profit when choosing the cars to stock (not recommended)SUB
StockwaveAbility to create a new appraisal, Access to Adesa auctions, Access to Independent auctions, Access to Manheim auctions, Access to save appraisals as finalized (compeleted), Access to save appraisals as in progress status, Access to save appraisals as pending status, Access to save appraisals created by any user, Access to save appraisals created by my user, Access to the OMNI platform within AuctionGenius, Access to view appraisals created by my user, Access to view appraisals created by other users, Active market vehicles feature for AuctionGenius Mobile-Only, Allow the user to configure what auctions they see, Allow user to edit another users saved search., Allow user to perform appraisals, otherwise they are shown views that don’t contain prices., Allow user to see hidden saved searches to edit., Allows QuickSearch to search auctions, Allows a user to edit the strategy buckets and Target Day Supply (TDS), Allows access to all auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to all online auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to online auction vehicles in the mobile auction vehicle lists, Allows access to the auction flow within the Auction Genius and Provision mobile apps, Allows access to the auction vehicle lists in mobile, Auction search, AuctionGenius Manheim price guide, AuctionGenius legecy Manheim price guide, Displays the total cost/avg market value, Enable the Retail pricing type for Manheim price guide., Enable the Wholesale pricing type for Manheim price guide., Enables display of pricing type “Used Car Fair Purchase Price”, Enables display of pricing type “Used Car Fair Purchase Price”, Enables display of pricing type “Used Car Fair Purchase Price”, Feature that optionally allows 3rd party links to show up, Feature to determine if the user should have access to carfax, Feature to enable/disable the price guide, Feature to enable/disable the Manheim price guide., General appraisal feature, Login to Omni, Process the strategy actions for the entity., Show Manheim on Settings/General/ThirdPartyLink, Shows AG branding in the mobile apps, The AuctionGenius theme, This is a Test, Vehicle Photo integration in the Appraisal Editor, When creating appraisals allow the auction vehicle information to be copied over.SUB
Subprime Access to configure and use Subprime exit strategy and app wide use of checking access to the Subprime product, Allow access to the Deal Finder screen for Subprime, Allows the use of Special Finance exit strategy in Pricing, Enables the MultiOut ExitStrategies (Retail / Wholesale / Special Finance) SUB
TaskManagementEnable viewing others tasks and creating tasks for others, Enable viewing your tasks and creating tasks for yourselfSUB
TestProductAccess to the news feed information, Allow User to add new cars from the inventory list, Allow User to add used cars from the inventory list, Allows the AuctionGenius link to appear even if the dealer does not have access to AG, Used to allow configuring and being included in test exportSUB
TradeNetworkEnables Trade Network feature (Deprecated… we are going to move all dealers to the new style listing.), Enables management of the trade network feature (Deprecated… we are going to move all dealers to the new style listing.)SUB
UpYourGrossProcess the strategy actions for the entity., Shows the core sales report and related fields in the inventory reportSUBFree
VanTuylIntegration with Tommy Gibbs company to allow for the gauge page to be loaded in their UpYourGross software. User Workflow from UpYourGross Link to the Gauge Page resides on two locations Edit Vehicle page (Hyperlink next to Price field ‘Review in vAuto’) Inventory Page Table (Gray button below the Price for each vehicle) Clicking these will just open a new window or tab with the vAuto gauge page for that VIN. (Dealer will need an active vAuto login to access gauge page)SUB
Video ManagementGives access to upload and syndicate videos.SUB
VinSolutions.Leads AppRequest. **2nd part of Vin Solutions CRM, this enables enhanced CRM push to send vAuto appraisal “back” to dealer’s CRM and update it, also shows dealership services (tire rotation, etc) to vAuto called “service appointment viewer”. SUB 2 of 3 Free
** AppRequest. **3rd part of VinSolutions** Admin > SysAdmin > Web Service Keys > search for MP# if dealer is listed> (if not listed) search Vin Solutions and select it > select Add Entry button > add MP# > then call Vin Solutions to make sure they are connected with 3rd party appraisals. SUB 3 of 3 Free
vAuto Network or TradeNetwork(legacy term) AppRequest. vAuto Network or TradeNetwork(legacy term). HQ group sub, gives an internal craigslist or ebay so other dealers can buy from each other within the group. SUB Free
**** SETTINGS **** ****
Syndication$3rdPartyExportExceptionsOverride Change the 3rd party export page to change the disposition: Retail, Wholesale, Subprime.Leave the Setting Syndication$PublishRetailWholesaleVehicles the same, and using this override setting will include the new disposition to the default export settings.
Application$AllowIE6Logins Allow/Deny IE6 logins from using the app
Applicationo$CABridgeEligible This is the setting that determines if an entity is eligible for CA Brige.
Applicatioon$Country Country code for the entity. Using an entity setting in case the addresses aren’t populated correctly.
Application$Currency The ID of the national currency used by the application.
Application$DaylightSavings Accepted Values: True, False
Application$EnableRecallFunctionality This is the launch setting to enable Recall functionality across Provision App
Application$ExcludeFromReports Do not use this entity when building aggregate reports
Application$ExpireNewUserPasswords Controls the default value for the Force Password Expiration box on new user creation
Application$HQAppraisalReviewRequired This is the setting to enable HQ Appraisal process as required for Entities.
Application$IE6Warning Display warning to IE6 Users at login screen. Accepted Values: True, False. Note: This setting only has effect at the root.
Application$LegacySqlHandling 0 = Do not change legacy sql,1 = Pepper legacy sql with a count variable where appropriate so as to keep track of the number of rows affected by this sql
Application$ListingLogicSpotTierSortable This is the launch setting for sorting the Spotlight/tier gov window in listing logic
Application$Locale The locale (language + country) of the entity.
Application$MarketingAddress Address used for marketing. Where the vehicles are actually sold
Application$MarketingEmailAddress Dealership email address to be used for marketing purposes
Application$MarketingPhoneNumber Dealership phone number to be used for marketing purposes
Application$MarketingUrl Dealership URL to be used for marketing purposes
Application$PhoneNumber This setting should no longer be used, use MarketingPhoneNumber instead
Application$RespectCarfaxRecallData This is the setting to respect CARFAX Manufacturer Recall Data for Inventory and Appraisals.
Application$ShowListingLogicHistoryTab This is the launch setting for showing the history tab in listing logic
Application$ShowSpotlightExpiresColumn This is the launch setting for showing the Expires column in the Spotlights window
Application$ShowVerificationInterstitial Show the verification interstitial at this entity
Application$SourcingUpgradeActive Activates Sourcing Upgrades.
Application$SportlightYMMClickThru This is the Launch Setting to let Spotlight/TG YMM click thru to VDP in Listing Logic
Application$Stockwave.HomePage Theme home page for Stockwave
Application$SubprimeUpgradeActive Activates Subprime Upgrades.
Application$TimeZone This setting is no longer used. Set the entity’s timezone on the entity edit page. (Timezone is in the entity table.)
Application$TurnOnSqlTemplates True or False if SqlTemplates functionality is on for this entity
Application$vAtuoPhoneNumber_Main vAuto’s Direct Phone Number
Application$vAutoPhoneNumber_Sales vAuto’s Toll Free Phone Number
Application$vAutoPhoneNumber_Support vAuto’s Support Phone Number
Appraisal$AllowBookPriceAdjustment Accepted Values: True, False
Appraisal$AllowNullPrice_PushToInventory This setting will allow the entity to set a null list price for a vehicle when pushing to inventory from appraisal
Appraisal$ApplyCostsTo When asking price is locked, costs for appraisals with a single exit strategy will be applied to the following field
Appraisal$ApplyCostsTo_ExitStrategies When asking price is locked, costs for multiple exit strategy appraisals will be applied to the following field
Appraisal$AppraisalActionlabels If the dealer wants to see something else besides ‘Save’ or ‘Finalize’ in the appraisal edit page, you can change it here. Each set represents the present and past tense for the word (Present | Past). If both are the same, just write it by itself (Word). Each set is seperated by a comma. The first set is for Save, the second set is for Finalize. The tenses ensure the correct grammer is being used throughout the application. Accepted Values: String | String, String | String
Appraisal$AppraisalList.NotHasAppraise.ShowIncompleteOnly Accepted Values: True, False
Appraisal$AppraisalSourceLabel This is the display name for third appraisal source. If this setting is not set, but they are subscribed to Appraisal.LeaseReturn, the default name will be Lease Return. Please note that for this setting to have any effect, this entity needs to be subscribed to Appraisal.LeaseReturn. NOTE: Words over 15-17 characters long may not fit in the space provided for the checkbox label on the appraisal edit page. Make sure the label does not run into the checkbox on the appraisal edit page. Accepted Values: Any string
Appraisal$AuctionFee Set this to true if the entity wants to have a field for auction fees on the Appraisal Edit page. The inital value setting for this field will show in the Settings->Used Vehicle Objectives Page.
Appraisal$AutoDelteAfterNDays This setting takes a number of days. If a ‘Pending’ or ‘In Progress’ appraisal has been inactive for N days, it will be deleted. This setting does NOT delete vehicles pushed to inventory from an appraisal (that didn’t come in) after N days. If that descripion matches what you need, alter the setting Vehicle.ConvertUserAddedToActive_Days. Accepted Values: 0-9999
Appraisal$AutoShowBumpReasonDialog Auto-shows the bump reason dialog when a price on an previously compelted appraisal is altered. This is overriden by the RequireBumpReason setting when true, since the reason is then required.
Appraisal$AutoUpdateAppraiser If on, if a user with the ability to change the value does it will automatically update the appraiser to the current user
Appraisal$BlackBookCanada.Region This is the default region for the CBB guide. This setting can be altered by the dealer in the General-Third Party Links in general settings.
Appraisal$BlackBookCanadaDefaultCondition Default Condition for BlackBook Canada. Accepted Values: ExtraClean, Clean, Average, Rough
Appraisal$BlackBookDefaultCondition Default condition for BlackBook. Accepted Values: Extra Clean, Clean, Average, Rough
Appraisal$BlackBookMobileVerification [Obsolete, use Appraisal$3rdPartyBookMobileVerification instead] Set this to true to enable black book mobile device verification. Only set this false if you want to bypass blackbook mobile device verification.
Appraisal$BumpSystemTurn on the bump system in the appraisal module to see who changed the appraised value.
Appraisal$CBBInvalidConditionOverride If the dealer wants to ignore invalid conditions for CBB only and want to be able to select them, set this to true.
Appraisal$CarProof.Id CarProof’s identification for the dealer.
Appraisal$CarProof.WebServiceUrl Url hosting CarProof’s webservices. For staging is For prod is
Appraisal$CarProofLink Set to true to display the carproof link. NOTE: this is a product specific to canada. don’t set to true if the entity isn’t in canada.
Appraisal$Carfax.AutoPurchase.CertifiedCars This parameter tells the CARFAX server whether or not to put the vehicle into the CARFAX Inventory Manager as active when a report is being purchased, meaning the vehicle is displayed in CARFAX Hot Listings.
Appraisal$Carfax.Autopurchase.ManuallySet Enable if dealer wishes to set CARFAX’s AutoPurchase manually.
Appraisal$Carfax.AutoPurchase.NewUsed Setting for carfax that limits the vehicles whose reports are AutoPurchased
Appraisal$Carfax.AutoPurchase.ReportType Accepted Values:BTC – Branded Title CheckVHR – Vehicle History Level of Carfax report that will be autopurchased if Appraisal$Carfax.AutoPurchase.Reports is set to True.
Appraisal$Carfax.AutoPurchase.Reports If set to true, any time a user would be prompted to purchase a Carfax report (e.g. creating a new appraisal, scanning a VIN), the report is instead automatically purchased.
Appraisal$Carfax.PartnerCode.Socket The partner code used for calls to
Appraisal$Carfax.Require3rdPartyLinkFeaturev Set this to False if you want the Carfax link to display for the user on the appraisal edit and gauge page. If this is set to True, only managers and appraisers will be able to see the links. However, if no username is entered for Carfax, the link will not show at all no matter what this setting is. This setting is controlled through the dealership preferences as ‘Disable link for salespeople’ under the Carfax section.
Appraisal$Carfax.Username The username the user needs to log into Carfax. If there is no username entered, Carfax will not display on the screen.
Appraisal$CustomAppraisalLinks EDITOR: Settings->Dealership->General [Third Party Links] The additional 3rd party links that should show up on the appraisal page. Accepted values: JSON array with objects
Appraisal$CustomAppraisalVoucher_OverrideOnPrint True or false
Appraisal$CustomerVoucherDefaultToNoBook If this setting is turned on, None will be seleced by default when generating a voucher instead of the primary guide
Appraisal$CustomerVoucherDisclaimerText The default text to show on the appraisal customer voucher
Appraisal$CustomerVoucherExpiration These are the values that are printed on the customer voucher for the expiration date. If the setting is left blank, it will use the default: 7,150. The first number is the days from now, and the second is the number of miles. Put in a zero to not use one of the options. To have no expiration, put zeros for both. Accepted Values: 0-364, 0-99999
Appraisal$DaysBeforeImagePurge The maximum number of days to wait beforing purging appraisal images
Appraisal$DedupExistingAppraisals Appraisal statuses to do duplicate check on every time the appraisal is viewed.
Appraisal$DefaultCustomAppraisalVoucherPrintableTemplate The GUID of the default appaisal custom voucher printable that has been configured. In the absence of any custom vouchers configured by this dealer, this is the default appraisal voucher they will be able to print
Appraisal$DefaultDisposition New appaisals default to Retail, Wholesale, or Special Finance
Appraisal$DefaultToNullPrice_PushToInventory This setting will set the list price to null by default when pushing from appraisal to inventory. For this to work, the setting AllowNullPrice_PushToInventory must be turned on,
Appraisal$DefaultWholesaleOfferPriceGuide Default value of the price guide to be used as a wholesale offer in the appraisal wholesale exit strategy panel
Appraisal$DisplayRetailLabel Displays the “Retail” label in the appraisal list for the disposition field
Appraisal$Dmv.Require3rdParatyLinkFeature Accepted Values: True, False
Appraisal$EdmundsDefaultCondition Default Condition fo Edmunds. Accepted Values: Outstanding, Clean, Average, Rough
Appraisal$EnableCBBRegions Allows the entity to set region for CBB data in the appraisal edit
Appraisal$EnableKBB_UCFMV Enabled KBB Used Car Fair Market Value pricing type to show in KBB or standalone if the entity has no KBB subscription
Appraisal$EnableNotificationsRecommendedVehicleAppraisals Enables the ability for a user to subscribe to notifications for appraisals in your enterprise on recommended vehicles
Appraisal$ExitStrategiesEnabled OBSOLETE: Subscribe user to Special Finance instead.
Appraisal$Experian.AutoPurchase.Reports If set to true, any time a user would be prompted to purchase an AutoCheck report (e.g. creating a new appraisal, scanning a VIN), the report is instead automatically purchased.
Appraisal$Experian.CID vAuto Experian ID.
Appraisal$Experian.CID.XML vAuto Experian XML ID.
Appraisal$Experian.PWD vAuto Experian Password.
Appraisal$Experian.PWD.XML vAuto Experian XML Password.
Appraisal$Experian.Require3rdPartyLinkFeature Set this to False if you want the Experian link to display for the user on the appraisal edit. If this is set to True, only managers and appraisers will be able to see the links. However, if no SID is entered for Experian, the link will not show at all no matter what this setting is. This setting is controlled through the dealership preferences as ‘Disable link for salespeople’ under the Experian section.
Appraisal$Experian.SID Experian Dealer ID. If there is no SID entered, Experian will not display on the screen.
Appraisal$KbbComDefaultCondition Default condition for Accepted Values: Excellent, VeryGood, Good, Fair
Appraisal$KbbDefaultCondition Default condition for KBB (Karpower). Accepted Values: Excellent, VeryGood, Good, Fair
Appraisal$KbbDefaultSchema Default vAuto KBB DB Schema Accepted Values: KBB2, KBB3
Appraisal$Manheim.DefaultCondition Default Condition for Manheim. Accepted Values: Above, Average and Below
Appraisal$Manheim.DefaultUseSeasonalAdjustment Default Condition for Manheim Use Seasonal Adjustment parameter.
Appraisal$Manheim.Region This is the default region for MMR reports. This setting can be altered by the dealer in General-Third Party Links in general settings. Accepted Values: NA, SE, NE, MW, SW, WC
Appraisal$Manheim.Require3rdPartyLinkFeature Set this to False if you want the Manheim link to display for the user on the appraisal edit. If this is set to True, only managers and appraisers will be able to see the links. However, if ShowManheimLink is false, the link will not show at all no matter what this setting is. This setting is controlled through the dealership preferences as ‘Disable link for salespeople’ under the Manheim section.
Appraisal$Manheim.ShowColorGradeOptions Show the Color and Grade options in eMMR.
Appraisal$ManheimCanada.DefaultCondition Default Default Condition for Manheim. Accepted Values: Above, Average and Below
Appraisal$ManheimCanada.Require3rdPartyLinkFeature Set this to False if you want the Manheim link to display for the user on the appraisal edit. If this is set to True, only managers and appraisers will be able to see the links. However, if ShowManheimLink is false, the link will not show at all no matter what this setting is. This setting is controlled through the dealership preferences as ‘Disable link for salespeople’ under the Manheim section.
Appraisal$Manheim_Canada_Default_Region Default Canadian region for Manheim webservices
Appraisal$MaxImageHeightOrWidth Accepted Values: 0-9999
Appraisal$MaxReconItems The maximum number of selected recon items allowed per appraisal.
Appraisal$MinimumCostToBookValueRatio Accepted Values: 0.0-1.0
Appraisal$MinimumCostToMarketRatio Accepted Values: 0.0-1.0
Appraisal$Mobile.MaxDaySpanForAutoSelect In the native mobile application, maximum age in days for a completed appraisal to be auto-selected on VIN entry.
Appraisal$MvdaRegNumber MVDA Registration Number (Ontario dealers)
Appraisal$NadaDefaultCondition Default condition for NADA. Accepted Values: Clean, Average, Rough
Appraisal$OptionoalToNormalFields A list of optional fields the entity wants turned into normal fields on the appraisal edit page. PLEASE DO NOT GUESS FIELD NAMES. Open a trac or ask dev if you want a field added that is not on this list. Accepted Values: CustWorkPhone, CustMobilePhone, CustPagerPhone, InteriorColor, Location, VehicleSource
Appraisal$OtherCost Set this to true if the entiy wants to have a field for other cost on the appraisal edit page. (Non-subprime)
Appraisal$PackCost Set this to true if the entiy wants to have a field for pack cost on the appraisal edit page. (Non-subprime)
Appraisal$PriceGuideMobileVerification A comma delimited list of price guides
Appraisal$PriceGuideMobileVerificationBypass Set this to true to enable 3rd party mobile device verification. Only set this false if you want to bypass all book mobile device verification.
Appraisal$PromptToSaveAsInventory Should the appraisal prompt to save as inventory?
Appraisal$ReopenInCalendarMonthOnly Accepted Values: True, False
Appraisal$ReopenInLastNDays Accepted Values: 0-9999
Appraisal$RequireBumpReason Requires the user to give a reason for the bump while bumping an appraisal
Appraisal$RequiredFields The fields that must be completed for a user to be able to finalize an appraisal. DO NOT GUESS FIELD NAMES. Open a ticket if you want a field added that is not on this list. Accepted Values:Vin, Odometer, ModelYear, Make, Model, Series, ExteriorColor, VehicleType, VehicleDescription, CustFirstName, CustLastName, CustHomePhone, CustEmail, CustAddress, CustPostalCode, ReconditioningCost, CertificationCost, EngineCylinderCount, TransmissionType, ExteriorColor, ImgCount_X (where X is the min number of photos required)
Appraisal$ShowAppraisalReportForSalespeople This setting allows dealers to decide if they want any user marked as a salesperson to be able to view an appraisal report for any vehicle.
Appraisal$ShowCompmletedAppraisalVAluesForSalespeople This setting allows dealers to decide if they want any user marked as a salesperson to be able to view the completed appraisal values or not.
Appraisal$ShowDefaultAndCustomerDisclosureStatement When checked, the app will print the customer and trade in disclosure reports when printing the disclosure
Appraisal$ShowDefaultCustomerVoucherLink When true, link to default customer voucher is shown on Appraisal page in addition to any configured custom vouchers.
Appraisal$ShowDmvLink Enables link to DMV.
Appraisal$ShowExistingAppraisalsFromOtherDealers Set this to false if a dealer in an enterprise group does not wish to see the notice that an appraisal exists at another dealership within their enterprise for the VIN entered.
Appraisal$ShowManheimCanadaLink If this is set to False, Manheim will not display on the screen.
Appraisal$ShowManheimLink If this is set to False, Manheim will not display on the screen.
Appraisal$ShowNhtsaLink Enables link to NHTSA.
Appraisal$ShowpriceGuideSubTotals Should we show the price guide sub totals on the appraisal page. Accepted Values: True, False
Appraisal$StockNumberGeneration Allows the entity to turn the autogeneration of stock numbers on, off, or allow when finalizing an appraisal and pushing to inventory.
Appraisal$SummaryLogo Accepted Values: Image path
Appraisal$TransportationFee Set this to true if the entity wants to have a field for transportation fees on the Appraisal Edit page. The inital value setting for this field will show in the Settings->Used Vehicle Objectives Page. Accepted Values: True, False
Appraisal$UniqueAppraisalPerVinDaySpanWhen a vin is scanned and this has been appraised before, it will change the button options to force the user to only create a New Appraisal or View the original appraisal – the Ignore label is removed. When appraisal is within time period in General Settings that allows finalized appraisals to be reopened: Reappraise: Select Reappraise to reopen the existing appraisal. View: Select View to view the existing appraisal. New Appraisal: Select New Appraisal to begin a new appraisal. When appraisal is outside time period in General Settings that allows finalized appraisals to be reopened: View: Select View to view the existing inventory record. New Appraisal: Select New Appraisal to begin a new appraisal. Salesperson permission can only see New Appraisal either option. Accepted Values: 1-9999 (note that zero is not acceptable here)
Appraisal$UseReconItemsByDefault Use reconditioning items by default on appraisals.
Appraisal$WholesaleAddress Alternative address to be used on Wholesale Bill of Sale
Appraisal$WholesaleCityProvPC Alternative city/province/postal code to be used on Wholesale Bill of Sale
Appraisal$WholesaleFax Alternative fax number to be used on Wholesale Bill of Sale
Appraisal$WholesaleGstHstPercent HST registration number to be used on Wholesale Bill of Sale
Appraisal$WholesaleLicensingFee Licensing fee to be used on Wholesale Bill of Sale
Appraisal$WholesaleName Alternative dealer name to be used on Wholesale Bill of Sale
Appraisal$WholesalePhone Alternative phone number to be used on Wholesale Bill of Sale
Appraisal$WholesalePstPercent PST percent (Canada)
Appraisal$WholesaleSalesperson Salesperson name to be used on Wholesale Bill of Sale
Appraisal$WholesaleSalesPersonRegistration Salesperson registration number to be used on Wholesale Bill of Sale
Appraisal$WholesaleScoreMaxValue Accepted Values: 1-9999
Appraisal$WholesaleScorePercentMultiplier Accepted Values: 0.0 – 1.0
Appraisal$WholesaleUserHst Use HST instead of GST/PST (Canada)
AuctionBookValueService$DoDryRun DO NOT CHANGE WITHOUT CONSULTING DEV!!. The database is very sensitive to a change made to this setting
AuctionBookValueService$MaxQueueItemsPerSession DO NOT CHANGE WITHOUT CONSULTING DEV!!. The database is very sensitive to a change made to this setting
AuctionBookValueService$NumRunnables DEPRECATED (NOT USED ANYMORE)
AuctionBookValueService$ProcessMultiple DO NOT CHANGE WITHOUT CONSULTING DEV!!. The database is very sensitive to a change made to this setting
AuctionBookValueService$SimultaneouslyProcessedQueueItemsPerSession DO NOT CHANGE WITHOUT CONSULTING DEV!!. The database is very sensitive to a change made to this setting
AuctionGenious$AllowAnyAuctionAccess If set to true, this entity is not restricted to specific 5 million numbers within AuctionGenius.
AuctionGenius$AuctionGenius.ContactEmail Contact email for AuctionGenius product
AuctionGenius$AuctionGenius.ContactLink Contact link for AuctionGenius product
AuctionGenius$AuctionGenius.DirectPhone Direct phone for AuctionGeniusproduct
AuctionGenius$AuctionGenius.FeedbackLink Feedback link for AuctionGenius product
AuctionGenius$AuctionGenius.HomePage Default home page in AuctionGenius app for redirecting after login
Auction$AuctionGenius.TollFreePhone Toll free number for AuctionGenius product
AuctionGenius$NotifyExiredFavorite Notify when a vehicle has been favorited but has expired.
AuctionGenius$NotifyFavorite Notify when a vehicle has been favorited or on Shopping List.
AuctionGenius$NotifyRecommendation Notify when a vehicle is a provision recommendation.
AuctionGenius$ShareFavoriteState Should the entity share the favorite state for all users.
AuctionGenius$ShowCarfaxSnapshotIcons Show Carfax Snapshot icons in AuctionGenius
AuctionGenius$ShowMobileTeaser Shows AuctionGenius teasers in the mobile app
AuctionGenius$UserNameSharing Setting for the username and password sharing policy for Auction Genius login. unrestricted = no restriction, restricted = completely restricted, ip = ip restricted
CompellingDescriptions$AW2MigrationDone If this setting is false, a one time migration will occur whenever sentenceMakeDefaults are accessed
CompellingDescriptions$AutogenerateNightly This is the Application setting to Queue all Inventory for Dealer to auto-generate Compelling Descriptions.
CompellingDescriptions$CustomFeatureMaxTextLength This is the max length the text for an entity based custom feature can be. This only includes those added from the settings page – not from the gauge page.
CompellingDescriptions$CustomFeaturesInFrontSelection tells the custom features to be either in alphabetical order or in the order it is placed
CompellingDescriptions$DefaultCheeseLevel The default amount of cheese to use when generating a description.
CompellingDescriptions$EnableDefaultEmphasisSelection This setting turns default emphasis selction on and off.
CompellingDescriptions$FeatureSetSelection When auto-generating descriptions, should we include no features, only starred features, or the long list of features?
CompellingDescriptions$GallerySection When auto-generating descriptions, shoudl we include a gallery section at the beginning of the description?
CompellingDescriptions$IncludeDetails When auto-generating descriptions, should we allow all content, or only the dealer-chosen opening and closing sentences?
CompellingDescriptions$IncludeRealDeal When auto-generating descriptions, should we use realdeal?
CompellingDescriptions$SentenceBreakSelection When auto-generating descriptions, should there be a line break before the closing sentence, after the opening, neither, or both
CompellingDescriptions$StandoutAttributesInFrontSelection True if you want the standout features at the front of the list when CustomFeaturesInFrontSelection is enabled
CompellingDescriptions$UsePowerWriter Generate descriptions using the new PowerWriter integration
Dashboard$ComparisonGroups A pipe delimited list of ComparisonGroup ids used on the investment summary page.
Dashboard$DescriptionUpdatedXDaysAgo The number of days for a vehicle to go by without a description change. The count of vehicles will display on the needs attention.
Dashboard$ExternalLinks_OVE If true, this will display a link to the OVE homesite on the vehicle summary tab of the dashboard
Dashboard$HideDescriptionUpdatedXDaysAgo Set this to true if the entity has Compelling Descriptions but does not want the Description Updated X Days Ago line to show up in the Need Attention box on the vehicle summary.
Dashboard$HideLockedDescription Set this to true to disable the locked description count in the needs attention box on the vehicle summary
Dashboard$HideMarketTooSmallCount Set this to true to disable the market too small count in the needs attention box on the vehicle summary
Dashboard$HideMissingDescriptionCount Set this to true to disable the missing description count in the needs attention box on the vehicle summary
Dashboard$HideMissingPhotoCount Set this to true to disable the missing photo count in the needs attention box on the vehicle summary
Dashboard$HideMissingPriceAndPendingCount Set this to true to disable the price and pending count in the needs attention box on the vehicle summary
Dashboard$HideNotAtAuctionCount_NeedsAttention Set this to true to disable the not at auction count in the needs attention box on the vehicle summary
Dashboard$HideOffTargetCount Set this to true to disable the off target count in the needs attention box on the vehicle summary
Dashboard$HideOutdatedWindowStickersNeedInfo Set this to true if the entity has window stickers but does not want the Outdated Window Stickers line to show up in the Need Attention box on the vehicle summary.
Dashboard$HidePriceUpdatedXDaysAgoCount Set this to true to disable the price updated x days ago count in the needs attention box on the vehicle summary
Dashboard$HidePriceWithoutDescriptionCount Set this to true if the entity has Compelling Descriptions but does not want the Price Change Without Description Change line to show up in the Need Attention box on the vehicle summary.
Dashboard$HideRealDealCount Set this to true to disable the missing real deal count in the needs attention box on the vehicle summary
Dashboard$HideRecalledCount Set this to true if the entity does not want Recalled Vehicle count to show up in the Need Attention box on the vehicle summary.
Dashboard$HideSlowMovingCount Set this to true to disable the slow moving count in the needs attention box on the vehicle summary
Dashboard$HideStopSaleCount Set this to true if the entity does not want Stop Sale Vehicle count to show up in the Need Attention box on the vehicle summary.
Dashboard$HideTransferAdvantageCount Set this to true to disable the transfer advantage count in the needs attention box on the vehicle summary
Dashboard$HideVehicleCriticalCount Set this to true if the entity does not want Vehicle Critical count to show up in the Need Attention box on the vehicle summary.
Dashboard$Hide_Description_AutoGen_NeedsAttention Set this to true if the entity has Compelling Descriptions but does not want the Unapproved AutoGen Descriptions line to show up in the Need Attention box on the vehicle summary.
Dashboard$PriceUpdatedXDaysAgo The number of days for a vehicle to go by without a price change. The count of vehicles will display on the needs attention.
Dashboard$PriceUpdateXDaysAgoExcludePending Exclude pending price from the needs attention count for the No Price Change for X days entry
Dashboard$RollingNumDays Accepted Values: 0-9999
EnterpriseTransfers$CrossMarketProfitCutoffFilter The CrossMarket Profit cut off for use in filtering
EnterpriseTransfers$CrossMarketTransportationCost The transportation per mile cost for CrossMarket Enterprise Transfers
EnterpriseTransfers$InMarketAgeCutoffForCalculation The Vehicle age cut-off before it can be considered for InMarket Transfer Calculations
EnterpriseTransfers$InMarketProfitPerDayCutoffFilter The InMarket Profit Per Day cut off for use in filtering
EnterpriseTransfers$InMarketTransportationCost The transportation cost for InMarket Enterprise Transfers
EnterpriseTransfers$TransferVehicleAppraisalDetails Transfer Vehicle Appraisal Details
EnterpriseTransfers$TransferVehicleDescription Transfer Vehicle Description
EnterpriseTransfers$TransferVehiclePhotos Transfer Vehicle Photos
Environment$HtmlClass This setting is no longer used.
Ftc$AutoVisor.StandAlone.ContactEmail Contact email for AutoVisor Standalone product
Ftc$AutoVisor.StandAlone.DirectPhone Direct phone for AutoVisor Standalone product
Ftc$AutoVisor.StandAlone.TollFreePhone Toll free number for AutoVisor Standalone product
Ftc$ContactBoxContent Default text for AV report Contact box
Ftc$ContactName Contact name to show for AutoVisor Reports
Ftc$ContactUs_DealerEmail Email address to send to from the Report (if not specified, will use the Dealer’s marketing address)
Ftc$ContactUs_DealerPhone Phone number to display on the report for the dealer (if not specified, will use the dealer’s marketing phone number)
Ftc$DealerAboutUs Dealerships about us html
Ftc$DealerAddress Dealership address for customers
Ftc$DealerDeal Warranty provided by the dealer
Ftc$DealerName Dealership name to show on AutoVisor
Ftc$DealerPreferedProvider Prefered ProviderId for the dealership
Ftc$DealerRaterID ID number used for hitting the dealerrater api
Ftc$DealerWarranty Warranty provided by the dealer
Ftc$Default_PriceChange_Notification_Template Default price change notification template chosen by the dealer
Ftc$Default_Report_Notification_Template Default report notification template chosen by the dealer
Ftc$MobileNearbyEntitiesDistance Entities closer than this mileage will be returned to mobile device when searching for nearby entities
Ftc$ReportEmail_BccAddress Bcc field contents for sending AV reports
Ftc$SendNewCarVinsToAutoTrader Send Default Reports to Auto Trader so they show up in their site
Ftc$SendVinsToAutoTrader Send Default Reports to Auto Trader so they show up in their site
Integration$DealerTrackDms_CompanyNumber Dealer Track DMS company number, obtained from the dealer
Integration$DealerTrackDms_EnterpriseCode Dealer Track DMS enterprise code, obtained from the dealer
Integration$DealerTrackDms_InternetPriceOptionNumber Dealer Track DMS Internet Price field position. This describes which optional field within a dealer’s DMS holds Internet Price.
Integration$DealerTrackDms_Password Dealer Track DMS password. This is global vAuto access to the Open Track DMS. Do not change without knowing what it means.
Integration$DealerTrackDms_ServerName Dealer Track DMS server name, obtained from the dealer
Integration$DealerTrackDms_Username Dealer Track DMS username. This is global vAuto access to the Open Track DMS. Do not change without knowing what it means.
Integration$DealerTrackDms_WebServiceAddress Dealer Track DMS web service address. This is global vAuto access to the Open Track DMS. Do not change without knowing what it means.
Integration$OLA_AllowAccess *cannot get this to open
Integration$OLA_Password Authenticate password.
Integration$OLA_PaymentOptions Default payment options.
Integration$OLA_ShippingMemo Default shipping memo.
Integration$OLA_User Authenticate username.
Integration$ShowTestLeadsProviders Show the Test providers for vehicle leads and wish lists
Integration$SmartAuction_Password Encrypted password to log in to Smart Auction (do not change).
Integration$SmartAuction_UserName Username to log in to Smart Auction.
Integration$VinSolutions_WebServiceUrl location of the vin solutions web service for vAuto
Integration$XTimeDealerIds Comma-Sepparated list of XTime assigned Dealer Ids to be associated with this vAutoDealer for Service Appointments integration.
Integration$craigslist_ContactAtOnce_Merchant_ID MerchantId for Contact at Once! chat software.
Integration$craigslist_ContactAtOnce_Provider_ID ProviderId for Contact at Once! chat software.
Integration$craigslist_ImageAsListing If true, generate a jpg that is the complete listing and use that as the listing description
Integration$craigslist_city The logical id for the city to post listings to. This value must exist in Craigslist.Cities.
Integration$craigslist_disclaimer Disclaimer text to add to the listing
Integration$craigslist_email The email address to use when creating craigslist listings.
Integration$craigslist_region The logical id for the region. This value must exist in Craigslist.Regions.
Integration$craigslist_specificLocation The specific location to use when creating craigslist listings.
Integration$craigslist_subcity The logical id for the sub-city to post listings to. this value must exist in Craigslist.SubCities
Integration$craigslist_suppressEmail Should we show the anonymous email on the listing, or suppress it completely?
Integration$eBay_DefaultDaysToFullPayment Number of days after a listing closes that the buyer can take to pay the full cost of the vehicle. The choices are 3, 7, 10, and 14, and the default is 7.
Integration$eBay_DefaultDuration Ebay Id for the default duration to be selected on auctions.
Integration$eBay_DefaultListingType The default listing type for the entity (either 1 for auction or 10 for local listing.
Integration$eBay_DefaultPaymentInstructions Text to appear in the payment section of the auction.
Integration$eBay_DefaultPaymentMethods list of payment methods to seed new auctions with. this should be a java script array.
Integration$eBay_DisclaimerText The text that will appear in your ebay auctions with details about ending the auctions early, shipping and payment options, etc.
Integration$eBay_Environment The environment the user is interacting with. 0 => sandbox (for demo/testing) or 1 => production.
Integration$eBay_Token The token provided by eBay that allows us to act on behalf of a user.
Integration$eBay_UseStore Boolean value to indicate if we need to consider the user’s store when creating/ maintaining auctions.
Inventory$AuctionForecast.DefaultCriteriaJSON Default auction forecast criteria JSON
Inventory$DaysBeforeMerchandisingImagePurge The maximum number of days to wait before purging merchandising images
Inventory$DaysBeforeScratchMerchandisingImagePurge The maximum number of days to wait before purging scratch merchandising images
Inventory$DaysBeforeSendingToAuction The maximum number of days in inventory before a vehicle should be sent to auction
Inventory$EnableGaugePageAsAModal This is the launch setting to display the Gauge Page as a modal on the inventory list
Inventory$HideAgeFromSalespeopleInInventoryReports Set this to true if the dealer does not want their salespeople to see the age in the inventory reports, like Simple Price List
Inventory$HighlightedTagsMatches List of plain strings or regexes that tags must match to be included in the highlighted tags column
Inventory$InventoryAuctions.DefaultAdjustments Default Adjustments for a dealership. Do not touch unless you are sure you know what you are doing!
Inventory$InventoryAuctions.DefaultProvider Default inventory auction provider id to show on pages that show multiple auctions (IE Auction Forecast)
Inventory$InventoryList.NumDaysOldFilter Accepted Values: 0-999
Inventory$LaunchAddVehicleFromInventory This is the setting to launch Add Vehicle from Inventory UI changes.
Inventory$LaunchAddVehicleFromInventoryConquest This is the Setting to Launch Add Vehicle for Conquest
Inventory$LaunchBulkUpdates This is the setting to launch Bulk Updates UI changes.
Inventory$Merchandising.ListPriceDiffTolerance The amount a website’s list price can differ from the value in inventory before being flagged as invalid. Accepted values: 0-9999 NOTE: This should only be set at the root Entity. This is an application setting, not specific to one entity. Do not change.
Inventory$Merchandising.MaxCacheMinutes Number of minutes we can use the channelDataCache data before refreshing it. Accepted values: 0-9999 NOTE: This should only be set at the root Entity. This is an application setting, not specific to one entity. Do not change.
Inventory$Merchandising.MinImageCount Minimum number of images we should look for on a site before considering the count valid.
Inventory$Merchandising.OdometerDiffTolerance The amount a website’s odometer can differ from the value in inventory before being flagged as invalid. Accepted values: 0-9999 NOTE: This should only be set at the root Entity. This is an application setting, not specific to one entity. Do not change.
Inventory$ShowSalespersonOnSold Setting this to true allows the user to pick a salesperson when marking a vehicle as sold
Inventory$WindowSticker.DisclaimerText The text that should appear at the bottom of ever window sticker for this entity.
Merchandising$DefaultChartView This is the default chart view that shows up in the channel tooltip. If the view is not available for a specific channel/vehicle, it will default to summary view
Merchandising$EnableListingLogicToggleButton True if functionality is enabled for users that have a DSM role to enable and disable listing logic on dealer site
Merchandising$EnableSwappingSpotlights This is the launch setting for swaping spotlights in listing logic
Merchandising$FullImageSetCount This is the number of photos needed to be counted as a full photoset for the milestone to trigger
Merchandising$IsDemoDealer True if this is a demo or training entity mapped to a real ATC seller
Merchandising$ListingLogicActiveAvailability This is the launch setting for showing spotlight availability for active listings in listing logic
Merchandising$ListingLogicOrphanedSpotlights This is the launch setting for showing orphaned spotlights in listing logic
Merchandising$ShowTierGovernorButtons If true, Tier Governor and Spotlight buttons will be displayed in Listing Logic pages
Merchandising$ShowTierGovernorButtonsWidgets If true, Tier Governor and Spotlight buttons will be displayed in Listing Logic widgets hosted on Autotrader dealer site
Merchandising$SpotLightFilters Show Listing Logic filter controls for Spotlight Filters and Tier Filters
Merchandising$VdpAnalyzer_DefaultRadius The radius to search for matching cars for the VDP Analyzer
Merchandising$VdpAnalyzer_SpotLightCount # of spotlight ads to recommend (max)
Merchandising$VdpAnalyzer_SpotlightExpirationWarningDays The number of days before a spotlight expiration that a warning should be shown
Mobile$AuctionCardNewDesig Show the redesign work for the auction vehicle card
Mobile$GalvesMobileEnrollmentPhoneNumber Contact phone number for enrollment in galves mobile book
Mobile$MobileDetailedBooks Check to show detailed books on the appraisal screen in mobile.
Mobile$ProvisionMobileAndroidUrl Url for Provision Mobile app for Android
Mobile$ProvisionMobileITunesUrl Url for Provision Mobile app in iTunes
NewCarPricing$AccessoriesDisclaimer Disclaimer to add to description for accessories
NewCarPricing$AllowSavingIncompatibleRebatePrograms Allow save of rebate configuration with incompatible programs
NewCarPricing$BuildDataMarketPercent Minimum percentage(%) of market vehicles with build data required to compare against manufacturer specific options such as OEM color
NewCarPricing$DaysToIncludeExpiredPrograms The number of days we should continue to use expired rebates in the price and disclaimer for the dealer
NewCarPricing$DaysToKeepProgramAfterExpiration The number of days to keep the program after expiration
NewCarPricing$DefaultConsumerCashElection 1 if you want the guaranteed cunsumer cash, 0 if you don’t want it.
NewCarPricing$DefaultDealScenarioType Deal Scenario Type to use if one is not specified by Make
NewCarPricing$DefaultDealerCashElectionPercent Value between 1 and 0. portion of guaranteed dealer cash you want to allocate to lowering the online price
NewCarPricing$DefaultSearchDistance The default distance in miles that should show up in the quick search.
NewCarPricing$DemoSnapshotId Set for an entity as to which demo market snapshot to use
NewCarPricing$DisclaimerPrefix Prefix to write to the description before listing the applied rebates.
NewCarPricing$DisplayPackages If true, Competitive Insight uses DisplayPackages rather than Categorized Equipment.
NewCarPricing$EnableDashboardEnhancements Enable average age/turn chart on Conquest dashboard as well as additional needs attention items
NewCarPricing$EnableDashboardRecommendations True if recommendations grid is shown in NCP dashboard.
NewCarPricing$ExpirationToken The expiration token phrase to be used when including expiration dates in the disclaimer
NewCarPricing$ExpiringRebateProgramThreshold The number of days before a program expires used in determining whether to warn the user
NewCarPricing$IncludeAccessoriesDisclaimer Include accessories disclaimer in descriptions
NewCarPricing$IncludeActiveWholesale If true, Active wholesale inventory is included in calculations like MDS (Sold wholesale vehicles are always excluded)
NewCarPricing$IncludeDisclaimersInDescriptions Set this to include disclaimers in descriptions
NewCarPricing$IncludeExpirationDatesInDisclaimer Flag to include expiration dates on the disclaimer
NewCarPricing$InterModelRecommendationRadius Radius for Model based recommendations
NewCarPricing$KeepExpiredProgramsInAutoStacking Keep expired programs in Auto-Stacking selected programs list and hide them in case they show up and become available again. In case the programs become available again, they will automatically appear in selected programs list
NewCarPricing$MaxAgeRules Max number of age rules that can be defined for a single calculation type at one node.
NewCarPricing$MaxCompetingSellerCount The maximum number of competing or network sellers a dealer can have for each make.
NewCarPricing$MinCompSetVehicles When auto-selecting a competitive set, exclude dealers with fewer than this number of vehicles.
NewCarPricing$MinimumAdvertisedPrice This is the launch setting to display the Minimum Advertised Price rule
NewCarPricing$PrependDisclaimersInDescription If true, put the disclaimer at the beginning of the description. If false, put it at the end.
NewCarPricing$ShowAccessories Enables (shows) the Accessories field in the pricing tab of the gauge page
NewCarPricing$UseDemoMarket Set to true to use the static market data we have for demos.
NewCarPricing$UseLeasePayments If true, Conquest advertises vehicles with Lease Payments.
PriceAdvisor$AutoGenerateReportsWithMissingPriceNewCar Auto Generate Price Advisor Default Reports for new vehicles with missing Price?
PriceAdvisor$AutoGenerateReportsWithMissingPriceOrOdometer Auto Generate Price Advisor Default Reports for vehicles with missing Price or Odometer?
PriceAdvisor$AutomaticallyRegenerateReports Automatically regenerate default reports
PriceAdvisor$BannerDomains Extra Dealer URLs outside of MarketingUrl to show Price Advisor Banner (newline sepparated)
PriceAdvisor$CrmAutomationEmail Contact Email to send CRM Lead in XML format.
PriceAdvisor$DealerDeal Used Vehicle Dealer Deals provided by the dealer
PriceAdvisor$DealerWarranty Used Vehicle Dealer Warranty provided by the dealer
PriceAdvisor$EnableCrmAutomation Send CRM in XML?
PriceAdvisor$FacebookPageUrl Your Facebook Page URL
PriceAdvisor$GoogleReference Dealerships Google Places Reference.
PriceAdvisor$KbbExpertConsumerRatingsReviews Dealerships API for KBB Expert and Consumer Ratings and Reviews.
PriceAdvisor$KbbProfileKey Your KBB Profile Key
PriceAdvisor$MakeMyDealId Dealerships MakeMyDeal Identifier.
PriceAdvisor$MarketDetailDistance The distance in miles to search for Market Details from your dealership.
PriceAdvisor$NewVehicleDealerDeal New Vehicle Dealer Deals provided by the dealer
PriceAdvisor$NewVehicleDealerWarranty New Vehicle Dealer Warranty provided by the dealer
PriceAdvisor$NewVehicleIncentiveType Displays the Incentives section based on the type selected on the Kelly Blue Book Price Advisor Report
PriceAdvisor$NewVehicle_VehicleHistoryReport_Type Select Vehicle Validation Option for New Vehicles
PriceAdvisor$OdometerMileageCon KBB New Car default odometer mileage value that decides if it is a con
PriceAdvisor$ReportEmail_FromAddress Default from address for Price Advisor Standalone product
PriceAdvisor$ReportEmail_ReplyToAddress Default reply to address for Price Advisor Standalone product
PriceAdvisor$ShowAutoTraderLink Dealership has chosen to link out to in the Key Details secton of their reports. Of course, only if the vehicle is listed on
PriceAdvisor$ShowContactSection Dealership has chosen to have the Contact Section shown on their reports.
PriceAdvisor$ShowNewVehicleIncentives Enables New Vehicle Incentives on Kelley Blue Book Price Advisor Reports
PriceAdvisor$Standalone.ContactEmail Contact Email for PriceAdvisor Standalone product
PriceAdvisor$SureCriticDealerName Dealerships SureCritic dealer name.
PriceAdvisor$TwitterHandle Dealerships Twitter Handle.
PriceAdvisor$UseAutotraderAdvertisedPriceAsReportPrice Use Advertised Price as the Kelley Blue Book Price Advisor Report Price. NOT to be used for Conquest Dealers that has Price Advisor as it conflicts with the Rebates
PriceAdvisor$UseDealerRater Should DealerRater reviews be displayed on reports.
PriceAdvisor$UseFacebook Should Facebook information be displayed on Price Advisor reports.
PriceAdvisor$UseGoogle Should Google reviews be displayed on reports.
PriceAdvisor$UseMakeMyDeal Should MakeMyDeal widget be displayed on reports.
PriceAdvisor$UseSureCritic Should SureCritic reviews be displayed on reports.
PriceAdvisor$UseTwitter Should Twitter feed be displayed on reports.
PriceAdvisor$UseYellowPages Should Yellow Pages reviews be displayed on reports.
PriceAdvisor$UseYelp Should Yelp reviews be displayed on reports.
PriceAdvisor$VehicleHistoryReport_Type Select Vehicle Validation Option
PriceAdvisor$YellowPagesID Dealerships Yellow Pages ID.
PriceAdvisor$YelpID Dealerships YelpID.
Radar$AllowExcessiveAutoDistances Allows the use of values in Radar$RadarDistances, Radar$AutoRankingDistanceMin, and Radar$AutoRankingDistanceMax that exceed the hardcoded limits of 50-500 for AutoDistance. Excessive values for those settings may have to be set directly in the database.
Radar$AppraisalHistoryCutoff How have I done in the last X days on cars like this one.
Radar$AutoRankingDistanceMax Maximum distance for ranking a vehicle when auto distance is select.Accepted Values: 50-500
Radar$AutoRankingDistanceMin Minimum distance for ranking a vehicle when auto distance is select.Accepted Values: 50-500
Radar$AutoRankingDistanceTargetCars Target number of cars for ranking a vehicle when auto distance is select.Accepted Values: 10-2000
Radar$AutoTraderFeatured Set this to true if the dealer is an Autotrader featured dealer.
Radar$AutoTraderPremiumEarlyModel Set this to true if the dealer has the Autotrader Early Model Package
Radar$AutoTraderPremiumMakes Set the makes that this dealer is enrolled as a premium member with Autotrader.
Radar$BuyListMax Accepted Values: 0-9999 NOTE: This can only be set at the root Entity. This is an application setting, not specific to one entity. The max number of vehicles allowed in the buy list.
Radar$DaySupplyInfoTimeout Accepted Values: 0-9999
Radar$DefaultCostToMarketType This is the same setting as “Measure Cost to Market Against:” in the dealership preferences in the radar section. True Market=Rank and Mileage Adjusted=Effective Rank. Accepted Values: Rank, EffectiveRank
Radar$DefaultMaximumSampleSize The largest competitive set size that is allowed. Any sets larger than this limit will be flagged. Note that values that significantly exceed this limit are not guaranteed to be valid as we may limit the number of vehicles returned. Accepted Values: 0-25000 (Default: 10,000)
Radar$DefaultMinimumSampleSize The minimum competitive set size that is allowed. Any sets smaller than this limit will be flagged. Accepted Values: 0-9,999 (Default: 5)
Radar$DefaultPricingTargetRuleSet Not used.
Radar$DefaultRankType This is the same setting as ‘Measure % of Market Against:’ in the dealership preferences in the radar section. True Market=Rank and Mileage Adjusted=Effective Rank. Accepted Values: Rank, EffectiveRank
Radar$DefaultSampleDays Accepted Values: 0-9999 NOTE: this can only be set at the root Entity. This is an application setting, not specific to one entity. A check constraint prevents the value from being set for any other entity.
Radar$DefaultSoldThreshold Accepted Values: 0-9999 NOTE: this can only be set at the root Entity. This is an application setting, not specific to one entity. A check constraint prevents the value from being set for any other entity.
Radar$DistanceUOMLabel The unit of measure for distance throughout the app. All US dealers should use Miles; Canadian dealers should use KM. (Formerly a display-only setting.)
Radar$EnableNcpPricingThroughHandler Allow pricing to be done through a handler.
Radar$EnterpriseDaySupplyTransfer Accepted Values: 0-9999
Radar$EnterpriseDaySupplyTransferPerc Not used.
Radar$EnterpriseListPriceTransfer Accepted Values: 0-9999
Radar$EnterpriseListPriceTransferPerc Not used.
Radar$EnterpriseMarketRadius Distance around enterprise dealership to use when ranking. Accepted Values: 0-9999
Radar$EnterpriseMinRankingDistance The minimum distance away an enterprise dealership must be to consider it for ranking. Accepted Values: 0-9999
Radar$EnterpriseTransferShippingCostPerMile Accepted Values: 0-9999
Radar$Equipment.MinimumItemCount Equipment item will not be displayed if either Y or N has no more than this many vehicles. Accepted Values: Unknown
Radar$Equipment.MinimumItemPercent Equipment item will not be displayed if either Y or N has no more than this percentage of vehicles. Accepted Values: 0.0-1.0
Radar$ExactDaySupply.Threshold Accepted Values: 0-9999
Radar$HideCarfaxTeasers Accepted Values: True, False
Radar$LastSeen.Threshold Accepted Values: 0-9999
Radar$LimitPostalCodes Limit Postal Code lookup to only those that contian unique vehicles
Radar$LiveRankingVersion Sets the current version of the live ranker to use. This should only be set at the ROOT level. Accepted Values: MAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX.BUILD
Radar$MarketSeenMode The mode for cars seen on the market.
Radar$MasterStockingBreakdown2Active Turns MSB2 usage on/off/both.
Radar$MaxRankingModelYearDistance The maximum # of model years you can include on either side of your vehicle’s when generating a competitive set.
Radar$OtherPriceLabel The label the dealer would like for the Other Price field on the gauge page. If left blank, it will show as Other Price.
Radar$PendingPriceResolution Accepted Values: Inventory, Manual
Radar$PendingSale.Threshold This is a timespan that represents the amount of time passed, since a vehicle was last seen, to flag the vehicle as Sale Pending. The format of the value is 0.00:00:00 (days.hour:minutes:seconds)
Radar$PercentOfMarket.Threshold Accepted Values: 0-9999
Radar$PromptForCommentThis will pop up a windows after dealer makes a new price asking “Add Comment? The list price has changed, would you like to add a comment?” Accepted Values: True, False
Radar$ProviderIncludeExclude.Action This setting is for the action to take on the providers listed in the ProviderIncludeExclude.Providers setting. It will control how the dealer’s competitive set list is populated. It can exclusively include (only show vehicles seen on the providers on the providers list), exclusively exclude (only show vehicles seen on providers NOT on the providers list), or exclude site VINs (all VINs that appear on a listed provider will not appear even if the vehicle is listed elsewhere).
Radar$ProviderIncludeExclude.Provider pipe delimited list of provider ids to include/exclude. see ProviderIncludeExclude.Action for more details.
Radar$PublishPrices.WhenToPublish No description available.
Radar$RadarDistances This is the list of distances that will appear in the dropdown boxes for radar. This includes rBook, gauge page, and stocking optimize configuration. -1 will appear an ‘Auto’ on the list. Any value 10000 and over will appear as ‘All’ in the lists. Accepted Values: List of Ints (Example- -1,10,20,30,40,500,10000) (Default – -1,10,20,30,40,50,75,100,150,250,500,10000)
Radar$RankingDistance The default distance for the gauge page and rBook distance dropdown lists. This is controlled through the dealer general configuration. The stocking optimize is NOT affected by this value, as it saves its own default. Accepted Values: -1,1-99999 (Note that any integer over 10,000 will show as ‘All’)
Radar$SecondaryRankingDistance If autodistance is the default ranking distance, this is the setting to store a secondary distance for anything that cannot use autodistance.
Radar$ShowDMSPullData Allow an entity to see when data from their DMS was last pulled
Radar$ShowDeleteVehicleButton Accepted Values: True, False
Radar$ShowEquipment Accepted Values: True, False
Radar$ShowRBookInVehicleInventoryView If true, the rbook values selected during the appraisal will show up in the competitive set in the Pricing tab.
Radar$StandardDeviationTrimFactor Accepted Values: 0.0 – 99.0 NOTE: this can only be set at the root Entity. This is an application setting, not specific to one entity. A check constraint prevents the value from being set for any other entity.
Radar$StockingAuctionOnlineDistance EDITOR: Settings->Dealership->General [Auctions] The distance from the dealership to search for online auctions. Accepted values: 0-1000
Radar$StockingInventoryWindow EDITOR: Settings->Dealership->General [Stocking] The number of days to look back at sold inventory to consider when looking at the inventory historical experience. Accepted values: 0-1000
Radar$StockingMarketSizeGroups This setting is no longer used.
Radar$StockingMinModelYearVariance The minimum model year for calculating stocking against. For example if the current year is 2000 and the variance is 3, then only 1997-2000 vehicles will be included in stocking. Accepted Values: 0-999
Radar$StockingVNetListingDistance Comma delimited list of the mileages to show in the filter menu.
Radar$Stocking_SrpVdpDistance Distance to use when looking at average SRP / VDP for the stocking tools
Radar$UseElasticsearch Transitional setting that controls whether to use Elasticsearch or the database for market vehicles within Va. Once we have switched everyone to Elasticsearch and declared it stable, code will be modified to remove this ability.
Radar$VA26320.StepDownStartDate DateTime of VA-26320 stepdown start
Radar$VehicleArchiverThreshold Accepted Values: 0-9999
Radar$YearMakeModelDaySupply.Threshold Accepted Values: 0-9999
RealDeal$AllowSalespersonChangeReportPrice Allow salespeople to modify the vehicle price on the report.
RealDeal$AllowSalespersonChangeRuleset Allow salespeople to modify the report’s Market Criteria.
RealDeal$AllowSalespersonCreateReport Allow salespeople to create Vehicle Reports
RealDeal$BCCSalespersonOnPriceChangeEmail Turning this on adds the salespersons email to the bcc list when a price change occurs and an updated real deal report is sent out.
RealDeal$CompetitiveSetChangeAmount The number of vehicles in the competitive set that has to change to trigger an email
RealDeal$CompetitiveSetChangePerc The % of change of the number of vehicles in the competitive set to trigger an email
RealDeal$DefaultExpireInDays Default number of days to set a the expiration of RealDeal quotes
RealDeal$DefaultReportMode Default report mode for new reports – Detailed (0) or Summarized (1)
RealDeal$DemoReportUrl The URL for the RealDeal report.
RealDeal$FromEmailAddress Email address displayed in the sent field
RealDeal$HowDoIFormRecipientAddress The recipient address for the How Do I forms
RealDeal$MarketAverageChangeAmount The $ amount that the market average price has to change to trigger an email
RealDeal$MarketAverageChangePerc The % of change that the market average price has to change to trigger an email
RealDeal$MinNotificationIntervalHours Minimum number of hours between user notifications
RealDeal$ProspectInfoRequired This setting makes it so the prospect’s first name, last name and email are all required to save and close a prospect report.
RealDeal$RequiredFields Comma delimited list of required field names for a VehicleQuote
RealDeal$SendToAutoTrader Send Default Reports to Auto Trader so they show up in their site
RealDeal$ShowPersonalMessage Allow the entity to show/hide the personal message field in real deal for prospect reports.
Release$EnterpriseDashboard.AppraisalSummary Show the Appraisal Summary on Provision Enterprise Dashboard.
Release$EnterpriseDashboard.InvestmentSummary Show the Investment Summary on Provision Enterprise Dashboard.
Release$LaunchAppraisalAuctionMarketHistory This is the setting to launch Appraisal Auction/Market History.
Release$LaunchAutoSplits This is the setting to launch AutoSplits on Conquest VehicleGroups Page.
Release$LaunchAwsMasterImages This is the setting to launch storing master images in aws
Release$LaunchCANADAMerchandisingLifecycle This is the setting to launch Merchandising and Lifecycle Summary for CANADA
Release$LaunchCustomDiscounts This is the setting to launch custom discounts
Release$LaunchCustomizedVehicleVDP This is the setting to launch customized vehicle VDPs
Release$LaunchDealerTrackSSO This is the setting to launch SSO Login Link
Release$LaunchEnhancedMMR This is the setting to launch Enhanced MMR changes
Release$LaunchHelpMenu This is the setting to launch WalkMe help menu item
Release$LaunchLeasePayments This is the setting to enable Lease Payment information in the vehicle description.
Release$LaunchManheimClosedSales This is the setting to launch Manheim Clsed sales changes across Provision app.
Release$LaunchNewRebateService This is the setting to launch the New Rebate Service.
Release$LaunchNotifyDealer This is the setting to notify dealer when vehicle group changes needs to be acknowledged.
Release$LaunchOEMPackagesCI This is the setting to launch OEM packages on the Competitive Insight.
Release$LaunchOdometerFilter This is the setting to launch Odometer Filter on GaugePage and Appraisal Books
Release$LaunchOthersBuckets This is the setting to launch always show Others Buckets on Conquest VehicleGroups Page.
Release$LaunchPowerWriterCertifications This is the setting to launch HomeNet PowerWriter Certification programs
Release$LaunchSaveSearchFunctionality This is the setting to launch Save Search functionality.
Release$LaunchStockwavePricingTarget This is the setting to launch the option for Stockwave to use Provisions Pricing Target Setting to calculate Asking Price
Release$LaunchStockwavePurchaseReport This is the setting to launch the Stockwave Purchase Report functionality
Release$LaunchStockwaveSaveCosts This is the setting to launch saving costs on appraisal for Stockwave
Release$LaunchStrategy20 This is the setting to launch Strategy 2.0.
Release$LaunchStrategyUI This is the setting to launch Provision Strategy Page UI changes.
Release$Recall_AgeAdjustment This release setting enables the age adjustment abilities in recall
Release$RolloutGroup Standard Rollout Group
Release$SMSUrls This release setting enables mobile app urls on sms notifications
Release$WalkMe This is the setting to enable WalkMe
Reporting$PricingAlertDisposition Restrict Pricing Alerts to Retail, Wholesale, or All
Reporting$ShowCompositeTotals On the insite report, show the composite reports total column
Reporting$ShowTargetValues On the insite report, add a column showing the targets for the different metrics.
Reporting$TargetAverageDaysInInventory The target days in inventory for the entity. Shown in the insight report.
Reporting$TargetLookToBook The target look to book for the entity. Shown in the insight report.
Reporting$TargetTurn The target turn for the entity. Shown in the insight report.
Sales$CoreCountMinimum The number of vehicles that need to be sold in the past 90 days to be considered a core vehicle
Sales$DealerPackAmount The $ amount to use for dealer pack amount
Sales$VehicleCountThreshold The number of retail transactions for a vehicle in the previous x days to be considered recommended
Scheduler$FTPRetryTimeout The time, in seconds, to wait before trying to resend a failed export
Scheduler$FTPUsePassive Controls how we how we set passive mode when sending jobs via FTP, defaults to true
Scheduler$MaxFTPRetryAttempts Maximum number of times to retry sending an export
Scheduler$ReportBuilderEnvironment The environment the report builder that the scheduler uses should use to generate reports
Scheduler$WebRequestHostname Deprecated. The hostname that should be used for web requests by the scheduler. This is designed for testing purposes only.
SiteIntegration$AllowPublishTo3rdParties This feature allows the database to release price changes and inquires to their respective source. Do not select true on test entities. Accepted Values: True, False
SiteIntegration$DescriptionPublish_NewUsedBoth Publish descriptions for new cars, used cars or both.
SiteIntegration$OVEDefaultAuctionCode Default OVE Auction Code that a Dealership uses.
SiteIntegration$OVEFtpDirectory Directory that ove vehicles should be ftped to
SiteIntegration$PricePublish_NewUsedBoth Publish prices for new cars, used cars or both.
SiteIntegration$PublishPricesFromAppraisalPush Determines whether we publish prices when dealer pushes appraisal to inventory
SiteIntegration$SellerUniversalNumber Dealerships seller universal number.
SiteIntegration$TimeLimit Accepted Values: (Time Format:) 0.00.0:00
SpecialFinance$DealFinderApplyTaxToTrade Apply tax to the trade value
SpecialFinance$StrategyActionExitStrategy Exit Strategy(s) to be included in Stocking Strategy
Stocking$AppraiseAsLeaseReturnDefault Mark an appraisal from sourcing as a lease return type by default
Stocking$AvailabilityWeight Between 0 and 100, how important is availability to the overall stocking score of a car?
Stocking$DaySupplyWeight Between 0 and 100, how important is day supply to the overall stocking score of a car?
Stocking$DealerPAC PAC amount
Stocking$DefaultTargetDaySupply Seed the target day supply for all of the different pricing buckets with this value the first time they come to the page
Stocking$DemandWeight Between 0 and 100, how important is demand to the overall stocking score of a car?
Stocking$ExperienceWeight Between 0 and 10, how important is you past experience with this make/model to the overall stocking score of a car?
Stocking$HeatsheetDemoEmail Email to send demo requests from the heat sheet teaser. This can be a comma-delimited list of email addresses
Stocking$HowManyModelYearsBack When stocking cars, only consider vehicles with modelyear less than x years old.
Stocking$InterestWeight Between 0 and 100, how important is interest to the overall stocking score of a car?
Stocking$ModelTotalWeight Between 0 and 100, how important is the score of the make model to the overall stocking score of a car?
Stocking$PastProfitWeight Between 0 and 10, how important is you past profits on this make/model to the overall stocking score of a car?
Stocking$PerMileTransportationCost Cost per mile estimate for transporting a car.
Stocking$ProfitabilityWeight Between 0 and 100, how important is profitability to the overall stocking score of a car?
Stocking$RecommendationsPerConfig The amount of vehicles to choose when calculating the configuration
Stocking$Support_HeatSheet_1.0 Allow users to switch between the 1.0 and 2.0 versions of the stocking pages.
Stocking$TargetPercentOfMarket When choosing the target price for a car from your buy list, what is your target percent of market?
Stocking$TargetPriceCalculationMethod What method to use for determining the target price from which we will base the bid limit. MarketSpread will choose a price based on placement in the market, PricingTarget will use your default pricing target rule
Stocking$TargetPriceTargetDaysInInventory When using your pricing target for target price calculation, if your pricing rules are based on days in inventory, target this many days in inventory.
Stocking$TargetProfit When choosing the target price for a car from your buy list, what is your target profit?
Stocking$UseDemand When determining the score of a car, use search data from Autotrader (demand and interest)
Stocking$UseProfitability When determining the score of a car, use profitability
Stocking$UsingStockingSpecificFranchises This is a system set variable to determine if we are using the overriding stocking settings
Stocking$VinFavoriteDisLikeLifeSpan Number of days a vehicle can be “DisLiked”
Stocking$VinFavoriteLikeLifeSpan Number of days a vehicle can be “Liked”
Stocking$VolumeWeight Between 0 and 100, how important is sales volume to the overall stocking score of a car?
Stocking$maxAuctionPrice The maximum average auction price allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$maxMarketOdometer The maximum average market odometer when building recommendations
Stocking$maxMarketPrice The maximum average market price allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$maxModelYear The maximum model year allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minAuctionPrice The minimum average auction price allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minAvailabilityGrade The minimum availability grade allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minConversionGrade The minimum interest grade allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minDaySupplyGrade The minimum days supply grade allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minDemandGrade The minimum demand grade allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minExperienceGrade The minimum experience grade allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minMarketOdometer The minimum average market odometer when building recommendations
Stocking$minMarketPrice The minimum average market price allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minModelYear The minimum model year allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minPastProfitGrade The minimum past profit grade allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minProfitabilityGrade The minimum profitability grade allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minTotalGrade The minimum total grade allowed when building recommendations
Stocking$minVolumeGrade The minimum volume grade allowed when building recommendations
Syndication$CleanHistoryMaxDays This setting takes a number of days, it’s the maximum number of days the clean history list will go back.
Syndication$CustomExportFailureEmailAddresses This is a comma delimited list of email addresses to notify when a custom export fails.
Syndication$DefaultImagesetId Sets the default imageset id. For internal use only. Do not change!
Syndication$ExportFailureEmailAddresses This is a comma delimited list of email addresses to notify when an export fails.
Syndication$ExportHistoryMaxDays This setting takes a number of days, it’s the maximum number of days the export history list will go back.
Syndication$ExportedDealerFeeForNewCar Exported dealer fees for new inventory
Syndication$ExportedDealerFeeForUsedCarExported dealer fees for used inventory. When a fee is added to the price source site, input the fee value on this setting and the harvester will add the fee to match the list price in vAuto and merchandising will report a price confirmation.
Syndication$MinSellerMatchPercent This is the minimum percentage of a sellers inventory matched to a dealer’s inventory that will be considered a match
Syndication$PublishRetailWholesaleVehicles This value configures the vehicle export behavior. Valid values include: R for retail, W for wholesale, S for subprime, RS for retail/subprime, and A for all.
Syndication$ShouldExportDealerFees Export dealer fees for used and new inventory
Syndication$StockImageHeight Height for stock images used during export
Syndication$StockImageWidth Width for stock images used during export
Syndication$StockThumbnailHeight Height for stock thumbnails used during export
Syndication$StockThumbnailWidth Width for stock thumbnails used during export
Syndication$SupplementWithMarketData If a dealer is subscribed to export their inventory (Va.Syndication.ExportConfig), if this is set to 1, we are going to use the data we find in the market to enhance their data. If this is set to false, we will only use the data we get from the DMS. It is risky to enhance with market data, because one site could post something incorrectly, and we would apply it to the dealer’s inventory, and then that would be propagated out to all of the marketing sites we provide data to.
Syndication$SuppressVehiclePrice Suppresses price for All vehicles, all used vehicles, all new vehicles, or on a vehicle by vehicle basis
Syndication$UseCompareToPrice Show the compare to price on the vehicle info tab for this dealer because they want to populate it for one of their exports. 0/1
Syndication$UseRicohMemos Set this to true if the entity has the ricoh camera and wants to download stock numbers to the camera
Syndication$UseStockPhotosInExports True if syndicated vehicles without images should export stock photos instead.
Teaser$DefaultNumberOfActions The default number of actions an autotrader customer gets when using the teaser
Test$TestAnotherSetting Test Setting. Accepted Values: Whatever you want
Test$TestSetting Test Setting. Accepted Values: Whatever you want
Test$TestXmlSetting Test Setting. Accepted Values: XML
Test2$Setting1 Test Setting. Accepted Values: Whatever you want
Test2$Setting2 Test Setting. Accepted Values: Whatever you want
Test2$Setting3 Test Setting. Accepted Values: Whatever you want
TestCat02$TestSetting02 Test Setting. Accepted Values: Whatever you want
Trade$TradeInquireEmailAddress Email address where all emails should be sent when the inquire button is clicked on the trade network
Trade$TradeNetworkAutoAddAfterNDays This is used if the dealer wants a vehicle to automatically go into the trade network after the given number of days. This is ONLY for inventory source trades. Accepted Values: 1-9999 (Note: 0 is not a valid number)
Trade$TradeNetworkExpiration This is the default expiration for inventory and appraisal type trades. This is controlled through the general settings – wholesaling – trade page. Accepted Values: [#,#]
TradeInMarketplace$HideExpiredPastXDays Hides all expired offers that expired over x days ago
TradeInMarketplace$HideExpiredPastXDaysForRecommendationList Hides all expired offers that expired over x days ago on the offer list on the recommendations page
TradeInMarketplace$OverrideVAutoId ID to pass to TIM services instead of entity’s MP number
TradeInMarketplace$PartnerAccessKey Identifying key used by web services
TradeInMarketplace$TimOfferPageBaseUrl Base url for the TIM offer page hosted by BBT
TradeInMarketplace$TimOfferServiceUrl Url for the TIM offer web service (TIMvAuto.asmx).
TradeInMarketplace$TmrServiceUrl Url for the TIM Market Report service (vAutoMR.asmx).
TradeInMarketplace$UseICO Changes TIM to ICO
VNet$AppraiseAsLeaseReturnDefault_vNet Mark an appraisal from vNet as a lease return type by default
VNet$DefaultNotes This setting determines the default notes for a vehicle when a listing is created.
VNet$Expiration This is the default expiration for inventory and appraisal type trades. Accepted Values: [#,#]
VNet$ShowAppraisalNotes This setting determines whether or not to show Vehicle Additional information (Location/Notes) in a new appraisal that a buyer creates from the VNet listing.
VNet$ShowAppraisalValues This setting determines whether or not to show appraisal values in the description dialog.
VNet$ShowChildMessages This setting determines whether or not the entity can view messages from a child entity in the messages list.
VNet$ShowVehicleAgeInList This setting determines whether or not the vehicle age will show in the listings grid.
VNet$vNet.DistanceFilters Comma delimited list of the mileages to show in the filter menu.
Va.Web$AsyncWebOperation.DefaultTimeout Default expiration (TimeSpan) for async web operation tasks. Accepted Values: (Time Format:) 0.00.0:00
Va.Web$BlackBookPolicyDeadline DateTime of black book policy change
Va.Web$CanUseLegacyNotifications Lets users continue using the old UI to manage notifications
Va.Web$GalvesPolicyDeadline DateTime of black book policy change.
Va.Web$MaxAgeBucketValue Max age in inventory age bucket settings.
Va.Web$MaxNumberOfPriceBuckets The max amount of price buckets an entity is allowed to have
Va.Web$MaxPriceBucketValue Max price amount in price bucket settings.
Va.Web$MinPriceBucketRange The min allowed price bucket range for an entity
Va.Web$MinRequirementsChange_active Whether the min requirements interstitial page should be shown
Va.Web$MinRequirementsChange_text Full body text of min requirements interstitial page
Va.Web$QuickSearchMenuIncludesDeleted Whether the quick search menu should included deleted inventory vehicles in its result. Accepted Values: True, False
Va.Web$RecentItemListMax Maximum number of unpinned recent items
Va.Web$UnavailableEmail Email to send requests for more information from the unavailable pages. This can be a comma-delimited list of email addresses
Va.Web$UseOldNotifications Keeps the old notifications UI and implementation
Vehicle$ConvertUserAddedToActive_Days This setting takes a number of days. After N days, any appraisal that was pushed to inventory, but not taken in, will be deleted. This setting is not related to ‘Appraisal.AutoDeleteAfterNDays’! Accepted Values: 0-9999
Vehicle$CriticalFields The fields that are critical for a Vehicle. When configured will be flagged where required. This setting is configured via Dealer GeneralSettings. NOT INTENDED TO BE CONFIGURED HERE.
Vehicle$DefaultExitStrategyNewCars Sets the ExitStrategyType for all new inventory vehicles with NewUsed = “N”
Vehicle$DefaultOdometerUom The default unit of measure used for incoming inventory, appraisals, etc in both the app and the clean. All Canadian dealers should use KM and all US dealers should use Miles, unless otherwise specified.
Vehicle$DefaultPhotoOverlay Stores the default overlay image filename to apply to all photos. Note: If a different overlay is specified for an individual photo it will overwrite this default.
Vehicle$DefaultPhotoOverlayFirstOnly Applies default overlay image to only the first image in a vehicle image collection
Vehicle$DefaultPhotoOverlayOpacity Sets Opacity of default overlay
Vehicle$DefaultPhotoOverlayPosition Sets position of default overlay
Vehicle$DefaultRetailWholesale New vehicles default to Retail, Wholesale, or Special Finance
Vehicle$DeletedRestoreThreshold Accepted Values: 0-9999
Vehicle$EnableCriticalFields Enable the system for Digital Frontline Readiness
Vehicle$ImageJpegQuality Quality of images that are uploaded to and saved in vAuto
Vehicle$ImageMaxHeightWidths This setting is the heights and widths that we allow an entity to select from for their max image resolution
Vehicle$ImportWebImages Import images from the web (DO NOT ENABLE THIS AT ROOT)(AutoVisor customers on by default)
Vehicle$MaxOdometerPerYear Accepted Values: 0-999,999
Vehicle$MaxOdometerValue Accepted Values: 0-9,999,999
Vehicle$MinimumHistoryDays Accepted Values: 0-9999
Vehicle$OrientateImageOnUpload If true, EXIF data will be used to rotate image on initial upload
Vehicle$ThresholdCheckEnabled Accepted Values: True, False
Vehicle$TransferVehicleAppraisalTags True if vehicle tags should transfer from appraisal to inventory.
Vehicle$UseStandardFeatures Whether to select standard features by default in the clean or when no feature selections have been made.
Vehicle$VehicleCountErrorThresholdPerc Accepted Values: 0.0 – 1.0
Vehicle$VehicleCountHistoryDays Accepted Values: 0-9999
Vehicle$VehicleCountWarnThresholdPerc Accepted Values: 0.0 – 1.0