This application was developed for the Joliet Junior College Bookstore to reconcile the store’s daily sales. The Web App was customized to accept user input from all cash register sales and cash paid-out withdrawals from the buyback register, then process the totals in printable formats to be delivered to the college’s accounts department.
If you’ve ever worked in a restaurant then you would know about credit card payments coming in and then cash tips getting paid out. So it can be a ton of tricky math balance your daily totals – and then throw in financial aid charges and faculty charge accounts on top! Once the calculations were finished, the print version of the receipts was reformatted to match the guidelines of the accounting office and these were printed and delivered each morning.
Balancing the daily financial totals could easily take over four hours, but this program dropped the labor down to 45 minutes while automating the math!
Tools: HTML5, CSS3 and inline JavaScript (so it could remain offline to secure the financial integrity of store sales)